
Christians, what would you think if you heard a Hindu saying "I feel Vishnu in my heart" or ?

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"I know Vishnu personally", or "Vishnu talks to me" as a reason for their faith?

Do you think they are deluded? What runs through your mind?




  1. I'm not a christian, but I would wonder what that really feels like. I wonder if they really experience this or if they just say it because they think it's the accepted thing to do (emperor's new clothes)

    If they really do feel, see, hear christ or vishnu or Allah or Ra or whoever, then I am a little jealous in a way, wonder why it's never happened to me. Then I wonder if they might be sort of deluded or just very impressionable, sort of mass hypnosis?

    All I know is, it's never happened to me.

  2. They also claim that cows are the reincarnation of previous human lives, too. How far does one have to go to recognize the ludicrousy of a religious belief?

  3. Actually, I'd understand perfectly.

  4. If anyone thinks that a deity is talking to them, they need to go to the doctors...

    As a very funny button I read once said:

    "If you talk to God, you're spiritual, if God talks to you, you're crazy"

  5. That is called FAITH.

  6. Jai sri Vishnu!

  7. I would think they are either lying or listening to a demon.  There is no Vishnu.  There is no reason to believe in a Vishnu.  They don't have a reliable historical account of Vishnu walking with, speaking to and spending time with the people like Christ did --- first person historical accounts.  There is no Vishnu church that began with the death, resurrection and ascension of Vishnu.  There is no library of books written shortly after Vishnu ascended into heaven, apart from the Vishnu bible, that gives a historical account of the Vishnu church.

    There is a Christian bible that gives a first person historical account of Christ's life on earth.  There is a Christian church that began with the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ.  There is a library of books written shortly after Christ ascended into heaven, apart from the Christian bible, that gives a historical account of the early -- second and even first century -- Christian church.  The historical existence of Christ is without question.  The death, resurrection and ascension of Christ is without legitimate question.  There is no reason to believe that Vishnu is anything but imaginary.

  8. What runs through my mind is what the Bible teaches about demonic beings who seek the worship of human beings.

    1 Corinthians 10:19  What am I saying then? That an idol is anything, or what is offered to idols is anything?  20  Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons.  21  You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord's table and of the table of demons.  22  Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than He?

    The Apostle Paul under the divine inspiration of God's Holy Spirit reveals that idolaters are in fact worshipping supernatural beings. They may have names for them like Vishnu or Zeus or Aphrodite, and they may have beliefs about them being "gods". They are not however the eternal creator God of Heaven but evil spirits who seek to displace God in the hearts of human beings.

  9. You're gonna get a whole lot of people claiming that either A) they are worshipping God but in the wrong name, or B) like the guy before me, they are worshiping demons.  My my, what a jealous and petty god christians follow, sure explains a whole lot.

  10. They would say it's satan in disguise.

  11. No, they're not deluded, demons talk.

  12. I sort of assume they do already, or something similar.

  13. Several years ago I had a Hindu coworker.  He was a lovely, lovely young man, always curious about American traditions, what each of us on our team thought about holidays and religions and marriage and any number of other topics.  He even went to church on Easter Sunday with a half dozen of us who had decided to worship together in one church instead of at our half dozen different congregations.

    I was in his car one day and we were talking about religion and the nature of God and the meaning of the Trinity - you know, just a little light and carefree discussion!  :-)  He pointed to a small figuring on his dashboard and told me that that was his god.  Not a statue that represented the god, not a symbol - he believed that the figurine was the actual god.  He didn't have his god in his heart; he kept him in the car because he traveled 6 days a week.

    That was so different from anything I had ever heard of that I couldn't even think of any good questions to ask.  I finally just said, "Tell me more."  So he did.

    I don't have to agree with someone else's religion but I do try very hard to respect their beliefs.  If I think they're deceived and deluded, well, chances are they believe that I'm the one who is deceived and deluded.  With some mutual respect, a conversation about our beliefs can be a fascinating exchange of knowledge and understanding.  

    Six years later, neither of us have changed our beliefs but we're still friends and have the utmost respect for each other.  And after seeing the way he drives, well, I have to ask my God to give him a guardian angel who can fly really, really fast, because I don't think his little figurine would win in a confrontation with a Mack truck.

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