
Christians, when you die...what kind of people will attend your funeral?

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I am being serious here....will it be all christians with a few outcasts or...??

my dad was a devout christian...not by the standards I see on R&S....but, by what Jesus taught. At his funeral, there were g**s, lesbians, atheists, all kinds of denominations, satanists, wiccans, pagans, drug addicts, theives, whores...all sorts of races were represented....and of course christians.

these were the people whose lives he had touched....they were all there to celebrate the life that had made thiers better....

who will be at yours?




  1. My friends and family are a mixed bunch of Christians Hindus  pagans Wiccans my daughter would want to conduct ceremony as she is a Spiritualist minister

  2. To be honest with you, I'd prefer my funeral to be by invitation only.  There are plenty of people out there (Christian and non-Christian) who show up at funerals just to be seen.  My true friends (and I have very few) will be the only people I'd want at my funeral.  

    Sure, that may not come across as very Christian, but it's the way I'd like my funeral to be.  

    And in case you're wondering, there are a few homosexuals, a ton of Protestants (I'm Catholic), and at least one atheist on my short list.

  3. Well, just because I'm Christian doesn't mean I don't want people of other faiths at my funeral. I want everybody who I loved during my life at my funeral, no matter what type of person they are.

  4. No one.

  5. I doubt that there will be many, my friends seem to diapear when they dont need me ,not much use for a dead man, will be mostly family

    tGod bless

  6. as the other person said family and friends,some are christians some are not.

    I don't know about someone being a w***e because I don't call people that and I don't go into their bedrooms.

    I don't know all their beliefs because some I may have lost touch with over the years.

  7. Family and friends, that will mean Christians and Non Christians alike!.

  8. Hopefully the kind that can take a joke. I plan to have "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" playing at my funeral. Or wake. Or both. I think that would be funny! My family would laugh so much that they wouldn't be sad anymore. That's how I want to be remembered---with laughter.

    Your dad sounds like he was a real christian, not a bible thumper. I wish I would have met him.  

  9. I don't want a funeral for people to gather and mourn my death. I would rather family, friends and all loved ones. Gather somewhere with lots of love, laughter, food and music to celebrate my life and my love for them.

    As far as what faith? I don't value people by their faith, I value them for who they are. I hope that others would do the same for me. So I don't care what faith if any they have.

    EDIT: I also like the Ding Dong the witch is Dead song, that would be so cool. I think I will request it as well. =)

  10. Sounds like your dad was someone worth knowing for sure :)  

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