
Christians, which section of the Bible is more right?

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The Bible seems to contradict itself on its stance on execution. In one part it says murderers can be killed by their peers "eye for an eye" etc, but in another it says only God can punish them "let he who has no sin cast the first stone" (referring to an execution by stoning). So which is more right?




  1. The Bible is a collection of books, all written by men.

    Men perceive Reality differently. Some, such as the Prophets, were very enlightened people.

    Men have fiddled with the ancient writings.

    Don't believe all you read.

    Think for yourself - to the highest level you can.

  2. Eye for an eye was during the establishment of the Law...

    Let he who has not sin cast the first stone teaches how to apply mercy to the already existing law.

  3. Both are right...thing is, they provide answers to different questions!  

    If I ask you for directions to the mall and then ask you for directions to the beach, it is NOT a contradiction if you give me two different answers!

    The Old Testament is "right" if the question you're asking is, "how can WE create God's kingdom here on earth so we never have to suffer for our own sins or the sins of others".  The New Testament is right if you're asking, "what does God want me to do so I can one day join him in his kingdom".  Both parts were necessary to achieve God's plan for the human beings he created!    

  4. It seems to me you are comparing apples to oranges with your example of a contradiction.

    While granted sin is sin and all equal in the eyes of God, here on earth there are differences.

    For example murderers, by definition are people that are taking the life of other people perhaps several other people and once caught the person must be prevented from harming others in the future.  And while it may sound cold and heartless to say, the death penalty is an effective way to make sure a murderer never harms anyone again.

    The other example you used "let he who is without sin cast the first stone".  The person being accused was a person guilty of adultery.  While granted a sin and hurtful to people.  It is not taking a life and most of the problems can be worked though, in time, to build healthy relationship(s) again.   Not to mention there is a strong probability (though not in the bible) that many of the people wanting to stone the person were also guilty of doing the same thing, however they had just not been caught.  Thus, the statement of he who is without sin.

    Just my thought of the subject.

    May Our Creator watch over you and your family.

  5. Neither... or both. Each is equally true IN ITS TIME & SETTING.

    EVERYTHING has to be taken IN CONTEXT.

  6. It is not contradictory. An eye for an eye still applies. The stoning, or death penalty you referred to was for adultery. When Christ said his words, he was saying that the penalties under the old law were gone as far as capitol punishment for deeds that did not take a life.

    There are still consequences for these sins, but stealing and murder require punishment for justice.If you steal, what you stole is what is owed. Take a life, and that is what is owed.

  7. That's what's so great about the bible.  We can find versus to justify whatever crazy sh*t we can dream up.

  8. There is no "more right" sections of the scriptures:

    Psalms 119:160 -- The ENTIRETY of Your word is truth...

    Here's the simple truth that will clear up this and many other similar apparent contradictions--there are TWO laws spoken of in the scriptures.

    Jer 31:31  Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a NEW COVENANT with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

    Heb 8:8  For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a NEW COVENANT with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:

    Heb 8:13  In that he saith, A new covenant, HE HATH MADE THE FIRST OLD. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

    Heb 12:24  And to Jesus the mediator of the NEW COVENANT, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

    What was the purpose of the first law?

    Gal 3:23  But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

    Gal 3:24  Wherefore THE LAW WAS OUR SCHOOLMASTER TO BRING US TO CHRIST, that we might be justified by faith.

    Gal 3:25  But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.  

    God bless.

  9. All of it's wrong

    You can prove basically anything using the bible

  10. All the Bible is right .

  11. An eye for eye was actually an advance in jurisprudence at the time when people were frequently executed for theft.

    Stoning for adultery is hardly an eye for an eye.

  12. There's a reason one is called the OLD Testament and one is called the NEW Testament.  Jesus changed everything.

  13. The bible has no contradictions. You must have an understanding of how and why it is written for it to make sense to you.

  14. well one problem that i see with a large portion of christians and atheists is, they take the bible literally

    the entire book is written in poetic format

    so people like yourself

    see the contradictions in this ancient book written hundreds of years ago

    intended for people of their time

    not us

    and use it as an argument for or against supernatural...isms

  15. All of the bible is true, not one part is MORE right than the other part. i see ur point though. Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon and also parts of the Bible that r like that. God told him how to translate it. check it out.

  16. All depends on the criminal and what he did.  Should be on a case by case basics.

    Say a man rapes a little girl and the courts let him off with a slap on the wrist.  The girls father kills the rapist.

    The first one should get a death sentence.

    The second maybe he should be forgiven?

  17. The section between Gen.1:1 and Revelations 22:20 and uh, what contradictions?

  18. The left one.

  19. whichever one is the least tampered with.  and even then it's iffy that it was written down "correctly".

  20. That's like asking, "What version of the Lord of the Rings books is more accurate?"

  21. I hope this can help on your quest to answer your question. Of course, your own research can verify anything anyone says, but I am just trying to give you or anyone else my perspective.

    According to the Law or Torah, yes, it is true that eye for an eye stood true. The law does not forgive, it punishes and punishment is death. The law of God the Father is meant for mankind to see the need for forgiveness from spiritual sin and death and the need for a savior. According to the Bible and New Testament, only Jesus is perfect and only he could have given the decree that “he who is without sin cast the first stone”. Jesus, according to the Bible, is the law  (holy Torah) so He has ultimate authority to keep the law. He did not sin and He had every right to throw the stone at the women, (let me repeat, JESUS WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAD EVERY RIGHT TO STONE THE WOMAN,) BUT He is the loving, not judging, aspect of the Trinity and He chose to forgive because only He had the right to forgive, since only He is perfect.  Everyone, according to the Bible, falls short of God’s glory or his perfection, yet He CHOSE to forgive. What an awesome gift!

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