
Christians, who are you voting for and why?

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Just curious to see the response of Christians. I've been back and forth, but I'm really starting to lean towards one these days...




  1. McCain because of the strength of his character & leadership.  I think he will get things done.  I don't think he will be the same as Bush.

    However the congress needs to do their part in this process also.

    How many vacations do they get a year???

  2. If I was American I'd go Obama - Mccain seems like such a t**t. He seems like Uncle Nobhead at weddings? The guy that shows up that everyone was hoping wouldn't


  3. Chuck Baldwin from the Constitution Party

  4. None of the above.  None of them have the humble, honest, principled integrity of Ron Paul.

    Doesn't matter which one you vote for, voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil.

    You'll get change alright, but not the change you thought you were gonna get.

    More government, more wars, more taxes, more lies, more wiretapping, more invasion of privacy, more rights taken away... but whatever, you guys ask for it by voting for those idiots.

    I guess you like government controlling your lives from cradle to grave.  Enjoy it, you asked for it.

  5. mccain because he is prolife

  6. McCain...i don't like how Obama is trying to socialize America and force me to pay more to help people...when i like giving to charities in my local area to help people...his VP pick is a surprise...but if she can do what she had done in would be great to clean up Washington DC...and Obama blames McCain, in part, for what is wrong with DC because McCain has been there a while...then he picks someone who has been there longer...i think the change Obama is talking about is in fairy land...

  7. I'm old enough to know how much experience counts for... McCain.

    Also, I'd love for this country to have a black president, but I can't vote just only on race.  I can't do it.  Obama, as a person, is too slick for me & his choice of Biden continues the trend.  So, I have to vote who I think is best.

  8. McCain, because he believes in American values. He is also much more thoughtful when making decisions. He also has a better understanding of the Health Care system, economy, constitutional law and international relations than Obama.  

  9. Obama. Why? He's not McCain. McCain would destroy this country.

  10. Pedro.

  11. obama not just because i'm black and he's black because race doesn't matter to me what matters to me is the issues in this country and he's been talking about the issues he's not so tied into campaigning he's not even thinking about this country obama is the man

  12. I am not a Christian and Obama has my vote.

    "McCain...i don't like how Obama is trying to socialize America and force me to pay more to help people." - can you feel that Christian love.

  13. McCain!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok obama made a big mistake at one of his meeting things and he said like 59 states ( and guess where there is like 59 areas) and who can get those 50 states wrong. and so i in my own opinion think mccain is the way to go!!!!  

  14. I am a Christian and I am not back and forth at all.  I have values which make me choose the person who has the views closest to the ones I share:  I am pro-life, I believe in the Constitution, I believe that the Supreme Court Justices should follow the law of the land as it is written, I personally believe that we have to reward those who work hard and attain their personal goals, not punish them by taxing them beyond reason, I believe that we paid taxes on our earnings and that death taxes are totally unfair because inheritances should not be taxed again, they were taxed when the money was earned; I believe that we need to protect our citizens in war and at home.  I believe in the 2nd Amendment rights and believe that we should have the right to bear arms. If illegal means breaking the law, then the law breakers need to be sent home and can return when they follow the law to enter our Country.  We are going broke by providing free services for many who are breaking the law.  I am voting for John McCain and for Sarah Pailin.

  15. Obama - I think he's the best chance we have at putting this country back together.

  16. Obama, He seems to have his priorities straight & even though he was only senator of illinois for a short while before he ran for president, he did a really good job here, plus he's from Chicago & i gotta support my own!

  17. Obama

    i'm not a Christian, but i can answer the question without thinking twice.

  18. McCain. Obama has criticized the Bible one too many times, and has proposed that a fetus which survives abortion should be left to die. McCain is pro-life, pro-Israel, and is more supportive of traditional values. Though not the perfect candidate, he is better than Obama concerning moral responsibility, far more important than economics. God blesses a nation based on their morals, not their secular strengths. McCain will also select conservative voices into the Supreme Court. Christians have a responsibility of upholding morality; not putting their pocket books before their faith.

    A vote for Huckabee would be a wasted vote, we should excersice wisdom in our choices - Huckabee would be ideal, but he is not running. If you read the scriptures, the leaders of every nation are picked by God depending on what that nation desires. If they want an ungodly leader, they will get one. Our nation has chosen to reject Huckabee (et. al.) and now we have to go with the choices provided. McCain is the better of the two; especially now with his VP choice.

  19. McCain....Obama scares me.....too leftist for me.

    His voting record is ridiculous...

  20. Barack Obama because I think he (and us) can make a change in this election

  21. The Hero.

    God love you.

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