
Christians, why can you not simply have faith in the flying spagheti monster?

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Why do you question the almighty pastafarian's existence? why can you not accept it for the truth that it is?




  1. They know He is the way, the truth, and the yummy, but they deny him in order to do Satan's work.  Sit tight: they'll be boiling in starchy water soon enough!

  2. because you can't spell "spaghetti"

  3. Hmmmmmm.....  I'm gettin' hungry for some pasta!!

  4. I can't believe there are people out there that deny the Flying Spaghetti Monster (sauce be upon him).  The FSM sent his only begotten meatball to die on the fork for you and you don't even believe he exists!  May you be touched by his noodly appendage and find the true path.  Ramen.

  5. I wonder if your brain is made of pasta causing you to leave out a 't" in spaghetti  

  6. I'll give you ten reasons. If I haven't convinced you after 10 reasons, perhaps you are willfully ignorant?

    Here they are. The flying spaghetti monster:

    1) Doesn't exist

    2) Doesn't claim to have created us

    3) Doesn't have any rights over us

    4) Doesn't tell us our history without error

    5) Doesn't explain our purpose

    6) Doesn't love us

    7) Doesn't have a son, let alone claim to have given His perfect Son as a ransom for us

    8) Doesn't forgive sin, let alone promise us eternal life through accepting the ransom of His perfect son for us

    9) Doesn't predict the future with 100% accuracy

    10) Isn't ultimately in control of everything

  7. Why can you not simply have faith of the true Lord God? Why must you insult Him by stupid questions like this one?

  8. God is not an Italian dish that's why.

  9. Cause, that's just messed up to me. Plus, I only enjoy pasta with meatballs and a good sauce AND some Ice T. so...  

  10. Too much carbs.  

  11. Apparently for the same reason you cannot use spell check.

  12. I don't know if you're teasing or not. But, my son told me of this site he found. I said, yea right. People are just looking for attention. WRONG! its there and its real. LOL. I almost feel out of my seat. Have a great one.  

  13. Sorry, I can't believe in that which I cannot taste!

  14. Why ask just Christians?  Why not ask Jews, atheists, Buddhists, etc.?  You're prejudiced.

    Christians know that the FSM is a joke.  That is my answer.  What's your answer to my question?  Are you man enough to give an honest answer?

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