
Christians, why do you use scripture to fuel your arguments?

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when scripture was in fact written by man and not god...who does not exist.




  1. Well, I for one, will not argue with anyone about His existence. He will prove that Himself.

  2. it's a guide.

    why do u get involved in those arguments.....

    edit; you know there is a truth but you are not sure what it and ye shall find.


    everything is written by man, why do u use humans ideas to fuel ur arguments.... pending response!

    note to you; a wise man will never say "i am wise".

  3. The simple answer is because God does exist and scripture is His word.  It is living and active and never returns void.

    I understand you don't believe that.

  4. I don't.  I couldn't quote scripture if I wanted to.  I just say what I believe.

  5. Yes, scripture was written down by men, but the thoughts and inspiration of it all came from God.

    You are the one saying God does not exist, so you prove that!

    I do not say He exists - I BELIEVE He exists,

    I also believe that Psalm 14:1 applies here !

  6. I sure do use scripture sometimes to bolster my arguments. What better source than the Bible to disprove a Christian position. But one must know the scriptures to conduct and advance the point.

  7. evolution is a lie, so your lefted with creation. creation thus dictates a creator.

  8. this question is ridiculous. . christians believe that it is the word of God, and that he does indeed exist. . . we should probably stop arguing about such nonsensical, unprovable things, and just love people no matter what, and let people beleive what they want. . all your question is doing is causing people do become defensive and angry. .how does that help anything??? allright???  

  9. When arguing about biblical doctrine, yeah.

    and fyi, you're making the claim here, so you have to back it.

  10. 2 Peter 1

    16We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."[a]

    18We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.

    19And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. 21For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

  11. Scripture is written by men inspired by God.. God bless you !

  12. God speaks for us, Romans 13

    Submission to the Authorities

    1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. I know that this gets you to listen to what God says. For this I am happy for you. God Bless.

  13. That's ridiculous. Ur just ignorant. Research buddy, and all evidence will point to the King of Kings. Scripture was influenced by God. It was the Holy Spirit that told them what to write. Everything points to Him. U have probably not even looked any of this up, and yet u think u know it all and that u got it all figured out...when in truth ur lost. How can u explain that if the sun is moved ONLY A LITTLE BIT towards us, we die and burn? And if it is moved ONLY A LITTLE BIT away, we freeze to death? How do u explain that we're here? Some volcano? That's got to be the stupidest excuse ever. A kid could think of that. There's no evidence. U have absolutely no evidence to back anything u say. Therefore, u tell us to give u proof...but u deny it because u are ignorant. God says that in those days their hearts will harden...I pray this is not u and that u turn to Him for guidance and direction. Look at Lee Strobel, and many others. They have honestly looked for evidence and done the research. They, like u, were atheists. But unlike u, looked for the evidence, and spent countless days and nights looking for truth, not ignorant answers and answers that u want to hear, but the truth. And they have found that the truth is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, Creator of all.  

  14. Prove God doesn't exist.

    As far as the xtians, you're right about that one.

    ETA: Jazz man, you are wrong. In this specific debate, YOU made the initial claim that there is no God. Therefore the burden of proof is on YOU.

    LOL, next you will say that you can't prove a negative, which is also false.

  15. Apparently you have all of the answers so why are you asking this question?

    Jesus walked the earth over 2000 years ago proving God's existence.  He founded His Church which put the Holy Bible together guided by the Holy Spirit.  Jesus is the Word made flesh and He is the Creator of all things visible and invisible.  All things consist (are held together) because of Jesus.  He holds your very breath in His hands and loves you more than you could begin to imagine.



  16. They think that scriptures will enhance their arguments...

    BTW you're hot....

  17. In a christian's mind, scripture IS inspired by God, and written by man's hands. It's like a scribe writing down what an author says. Even though the scribe writes it down, it is attributed to the author. Therefore, the Bible SHOULD be the first thing a christian goes to in order to show their motives for something. Science is the fallible, imperfect observation of the natural order that was created by God, while scripture is God's perfect message. Not to say that science is a bad thing, but science books change every year, while the bible stays the same(I know there are different translations, but I mean the original texts)

  18. I use scripture because It was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is infallible.  It is the Word of G-d.

  19. buddy, your a minority in this world, the reason why you can't see proof is because you deny the obvious, proof is in this world, your life, have faith, that is the only way you can find God, but if you continue to be ignorant towards faith, then you will never find God.. and you will continue to be waiting like every other unbeliever on here

    pray.. can you do that?

    seek God with your heart, why is that so hard, just try it.. it won't hurt you

    that is how you find God


    really... what are you talking about?

    I don't know what faith is?

    tell that to the millions of people who believe in God..

    YOU obviously don't know what it is, because like i said before, you guys are the minority, you obviously have a few things to work on

    it is impossible to please God without faith.. I believe in the unseen, you probably need physical proof and evidence in order to believe, that ain't faith Atheist..sounds to me that I have a better understanding of faith then you

    "stupid people there are in the world"

    every unbeliever has certain issues in them that prevents them from finding God.. you can't have that atitude, that ignorance when trying to find him

    sincerely seek God with your heart.. invite him in, talk to him, try and pray

    I don't know what else to say.. but guys are the reasons why you don't believe.. get past what ever issues you have about, God, or Christians or religion etc.. find God the rite way

    you won't truly know unless you try

    be sincere

  20. What an inane question.  What would you expect them to use, a phone book? A Rand-McNally atlas?

       As far as proof goes, if you say you have a Leprechaun in your bedroom, if I ask to see it you better produce one or you are jusfullll of s&&t.

       The concept of the existence of God existed before the concept of the non-existence of God.  To paraphrase, no one denied Leprechaunsns before the story of them got started.  So it is with God.  There must have been believers long before the disbelievers, which means that the theory of of God was first.  By the rules of science, I toss out a theory, and it is up to YOU to disprove it.  Not the other way around.

    Jeeez, your a mome.

    ....Response to comment.... What facts here do I need to check?  That the using scriptures to argue religion is okay, to support an arguement?  

    That if you say something and can't back it up, that your full of s**t?.  

      That God came first?  Show me anywhere someone arguing  that a thing that has yet to be discovered or an an idea that has yet to be made is wrong and I'll buy you a jelly dougnut.

  21. We believe that the scripture is God inspired. It is sharper than any two edged sword. It rightly divides the word of truth.

    We live by the scriptures. It guides us. It is the standard by which we live.

    God does exist. I spoke with Him just a short while ago.

  22. I'd like to give you an answer, but we'll have to look at your question.

    When you express that it is a "fact" that man wrote scripture and not God, you start with a kind of "irrational UNbelief".

    There is no way that you can prove that scripture was not written by God...but you reject the idea.  Not to insult you, but you came to your belief not by a rational arguement but by an irrational belief.

    So all of the answers here will not get past that "lens" of your unbelief.

    You don't have a have an answer...and you are shopping to see who agrees with you.

    It's not meant to be insulting...just that you are in the same category as the Christian who has an "irrational belief" in God...i.e. one that they did not come to by reason.

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