
Christians, would you describe yourself as "religious"?

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or just as someone who has a relationship with God?




  1. At least you are asking a question. A Christian is someone who believes Jesus was Christ and the statement made in the Nicene Creed (except for Orthodox Christians that didn't accept the Filioque clause that ended in the Great Schism.)

    Reading in between the lines is the key. The Bible’s not like a novel, it's not a history book, - it’s a collection of many different stories, in many different literary genres (the Creation for instance is an allegory) written by a wide variety of authors (40 are known), each with a unique geo-political background and motive for writing. Commentaries and theologians help the understanding along.

    What rules changed? The core belief has never changed.

    I don't believe in the inherency of the Bible. 'Where the Eagle lands so should the body lie,' means nothing.

    The problem of evil is one of the arguments against God.

    It's people causing trouble in the world, sometimes in the name of religion. Religion also deals with the darkness of the soul.

    Carl Jung on war- there exists a dark side of human nature projected onto an enemy who is imbued with hateful traits…traits which actually originate within one's self.

    Sounds like dark days of faith. It not always an easy path and doubt has a role in the spiritual life.

    Also the top religions don't really contradict themselves. 'There are many paths to God But Only One Destination.'  The Bible certainly is full of contradictions.

    'The Bible is true and incredibly complex and carefully written.  And somehow in the midst of all the strange names and strange places and strange stories when we read and think and talk about it, the “truth” which we understand to be “God’s Word” is heard again.'

    I hope this helps.

  2. Yes. A relationship with God is religious. Christianity and religion go together(Christian Religion). Religion is a set of beliefs and practises followed by those committed to the service and worship of God. The first commandment requires us to believe in God, to worship and serve him, as the first duty of the virtue of religion. How can worshipping God be "evil"?. You do not understand what religion really is. All religions bear witness to man's essential search for God. Catholics seek the truth, especially in what concerns God and his Church, and to embrace it and hold on to it as we come to know it. The duty derives from the very dignity of the human person. It does not contradict a sincere respect for different religions which frequently reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens us, nor the requirement of charity, which urges Christians to treat with love, prudence and patience those who are in error or ignorance with regard to the faith.

  3. I believe religion is manmade too.  Except I understand that Christianity is a religion just like the rest of them, and that it makes as little sense as rest of them.

    The bible and the jesus story are manmade attempts to create a notion of god just like Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, tribal religions, etc.  There's no evidence for Christianity's truth, and it's really not that unique of a religion -- its doctrines were borrowed from mithraism (virgin birth), judaism (messiah), roman pagan traiditions (water immersion), zoroastrianism (god versus satan), etc.

  4. Jesus was the man that made our religion, He gave us new laws to follow. Such as Love your neighbour, Feed the poor and hungry, be Humble,take care of the orphan and widow,Be obedient to others,believe in me,receive the Sacraments etc etc. This is called religion, it was left in the hands of men to teach this and pass it on to every generation, so the Bible is passed on by religious institutes that teach the word. No one is capable of private revelation, Jesus gave this to his ministers to pass on, Just as he had to teach the religious of his day so to do we need to be taught by the ministers today. Granted many are false teachers today, but it is up to us to discern who is false and who is not, you should know how by reading the Bible like you do, But some things are going to need explaining to come to truth.

  5. well yes religion is man made i dont even like to be called a christian cause i feel i am a disciple of jesus and not of a man in a building called a church i do what the bible says not what the preacher says that is why i dont believe in doctrines the bible should not be made into portions it is all relevent as a whole book not as individual scriptures plucked out to make one person justify their beliefs,


  6. Your question is good.

    It made me think. Religious people can be so obsessed sometimes and I'm not even though I believe in God and respect God for all that He's done. So I guess I'm not so religious as I just have a relationship with God. :)

  7. Hi Steph.

    Glad to see your a christian. i would'nt consider myself religious. The real Christianity is different to any other religion. It is a relationship with God as you walk with him each day. Just get to know Jesus, spend time with him. Feel the glory of his presence. Then you go out into all the world, preaching the good news, healing the sick, casting out devils, setting people free and destroying the works of the devil.

    To answer your question, No its not religious, its a way of life. I believe we all have the authority in the name of Jesus to do what he was doing.

    God bless,

  8. I am not religious. I am a Christian. Christianity is a life-style. Religions are man-made to suit someone's need. I think most have a biblical basis but they pick and choose the parts that they want to follow.

  9. I don't understand your question says christians would you describe yourself as religious but then you said please non christians only, thats a little bit confusing!

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