
Christians, would you have an abortion?

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If a "g*y gene" was found and could be isolated? Would you ask for your fetus to be checked for the g*y gene?

Atheists, would aborting a fetus with the g*y gene be the right of the parent? Should that be against the law?




  1. If there was a g*y gene, then it would probably be illegal to get it checked out pre-birth.

  2. I don't care if people are g*y or not, c'est la vie!!

    Also, if I couldn't afford a baby, yes, I would have an abortion, because I wouldn't collect welfare like a mooch, or put my kid in foster care to mooch off the government, or be abused.

  3. You know what should be against the wall? Homophobia. Religious or not, discrimination in any from is bad. Let alone when it comes to an unborn child.

  4. I would never ever have an abortion and I certainly wouldn't ask for it to be checked for a g*y gene! I would love it no matter what!

  5. I am a protestant and I would never EVER have and abortion because it is destroying Gods work!  

    Whether you are a protestant or not, I don't think abortion is right.

  6. Abortion is okay.. when the baby is less than 8 weeks old  since conception ( if you have a good reason like your 14 or your living in domestic violence or the baby is likely to grow up in domestic violence)

    since it isn't much more than a bunch of cells and people kill cells all the time in fact humans pretty much kill everything

    plus the baby doesn't feel any pain becasue its Nervous system is not developed propperly

    but personally i wouldn't i would adopt if i couldn't look after the baby

    and i wouldn't cheak for the g*y gene being g*y is a choice and is compleatly normal

    people should just use condoms to save them selves the trouble  

  7. Well, if such a g*y gene could be found then that sort of flushes down a lot of peoples homophobia down the sink. I'm all for abortion to be honest. and homosexuality.

  8. Abortion is gravely contrary to the moral law.Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.

  9. I would never have had an abortion. I would love my child regardless.

  10. No under no circumstances,  .A fetus is a human baby. Abortion kills a human baby.  

  11. I'm an atheist.  I believe that abortion is okay within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, to protect the life or health of the mother, or if there's a debilitating problem with the fetus.  

    I don't think the g*y gene should be a reason to abort the baby.

  12. abortions = BAD!

    youre basically killing an innocent thing that cant even defend itself.

    and i dont care about ones sexual orientation, as long as theres love in the world everything will be alright =] and that would be cruel to take away someones trait that makes them unique.

    and btw, you the girl below me "oh yea", i am an atheist and dont be so stereotypical and ignorant. not all atheists are bad just like how not all christians are good.

  13. This is a very silly question.  There would be no reason for me to have an abortion.  It is up to each person to fight the battles of sin that they have.  Whether it be a tendency toward "being g*y" or for committing adultery.  It's all the same to God.  Sin.  

  14. christians accept anyone and everyone. ex convicts become christians because thay welcome them w/ open arms. so yes a christian woould have an abortion b/c they are always "forgiven"

    Atheists dont give a c**p

  15. <<Christians, would you have an abortion?>>

    Abortion is morally unacceptable no matter what the circumstances.

    <<If a "g*y gene" was found and could be isolated? Would you ask for your fetus to be checked for the g*y gene?>>

    No, because merely being g*y isn't a sin.

  16. The highest rates of abortion in the US are in the so-called bible belt.  Liberal cities such as New York have consistently lower abortion rates than the supposedly religious people in the South who seek to restrict a womans right to choose.

    So the answer must be

    Yes, christians will have abortions whether a g*y gene is identified or not.

  17. Hypothetically speaking, if a g*y gene was found and could be isolated I would want my fetus checked. Knowing would allow me to prepare therapy and counselors for when the kid is older and will need them to prevent them from turning out g*y.

    For the second part of the question, I don't believe parents should have the right to abort a fetus under any circumstance. That's no different than allowing parents to kill their children.

    "Sorry Timmy, I just lost my job so I can't afford to support all 3 of us now. We're going to have to kill you."

    That's what abortion is tantamount to.

    Thankfully this scenario will never come up though, because there's no such thing as a g*y gene.

  18. homosexuallity is a choice,genes got nothing to do with it.Abortion is wrong no matter how you look at it.Allthough mentalillness might be inherited.

  19. No. No matter what its genes it is still God's child. I detest people who say all g**s should be killed much more than g**s.

  20. Why not get the foetus checked for every possible gene, surely there must be an IQ test as well...Or just maybe they all should be blond and blue eyed.  This kind of question can be very offensive. There are people who have trouble conceiving etc, Be grateful if you're lucky enough to have babies and love them for who they are.

  21. ONE: Abortion is always wrong. Period.

    TWO: There is and can be no such thing as a g*y gene. Why? Because God didn't create one, and IF evolution had somehow accidentally created one (assuming evolution was responsible for the way things are now...which I don't believe they are) it would have died out within a generation or two unless the g*y gene came couple with a gene that made the person release pheramones so strong that the opposite s*x couldn't help but rape that person.

    Having homosexual desires is NOT a choice. Most people have them at least once in their life, if only for a minute or two. MOST people brush it off as disgusting because that's what they're conditioned to think. Some brush it off as immoral because that's what they were taught. Then SOME embrace those desires, and begin having them frequently. Eventually the desires get the best of them and they experiment.

    Experimenting with homosexuality is a CHOICE. Having homosexual desires is NOT. As soon as Christians begin to understand this they can start treating homosexuals like people. They're no different than any other type of sinner (including yourself) except that their sin is nauseating in the minds of most people.  

  22. How is this any different to aborting based on gender?  

    If you're opposed to people aborting females to ensure that only male heirs are raised then there should be no aborting based on potential sexual orientation.

    Besides, even if you do have a straight child there's no guarantee that they're going to have kids.  What does it matter?

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