
Christians,how do you prepare yourself for prayer?

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  1. I purchase the latest and greatest prayer cloth.  If you call now, you get $2 off.

  2. i don't "prepare" i just pray no special stuff

  3. Nothing to "prepare" -

    Just do it, do it, do it, do it.



  4. prepare?  uhh..close my eyes and start talking...

  5. I don't "prepare" myself  for prayer.  You can talk to God anywhere, any time, and place, and for any reason.  And in your head, He hears it.

  6. I pray any time any place any how.

  7. Be still and know...

    And as you would not interrupt another who is speaking, be quiet and still, and listen, until comes the triumphant "now I see"  

  8. The only way I prepare is before I start my prayer, I ask God to forgive me all my sins. I like to pray with a clean slate, then let it rip. I love Him so much!!

  9. No differently then if I was getting ready to talk to my real father.

    Some times I have time to clear my mind, focus my thoughts and come boldly to the thrown, and then there are times when I only have time to gasp and say, "God, help!!"


  10. how would you prepare?   how bout just doing it, like talking to a friend.  that's who he's supposed to be, right?

  11. As a Christian there is no special requirements for praying to God.

    There is no special place, direction to face, way to stand, sit, kneel, or equipment or items required (mats, incense, room, ...).

    The most important thing to remember is that you are talking to God.  While it is a personal relationship, He is the creator of everything.

    So, personally, I attempt to approach him with a sense of attention to Him (clear my mind of other things and focus on just praying/talking to Him).  This is not always possible if I am driving or walking and feel I need to pray to God right then.

    Also, when I notice something that I just want to praise God for (a beautiful sun rise, nice plant, ...) I again approach Him with a sense of respect but again He does care about me and wants to hear my praise of His work.

    So, is there really any way to prepare for praying to God as a Christian, yes but is it required no. Others may have different answers  God is always available to hear your prayers.  Just remember who you are praying/talking to.

  12. Purify the mind of all extraneous thoughts. Purify the heart of unbridled emotion. Find a peaceful undisturbed spot.

  13. Why should I "prepare" myself to talk to my friend?

  14. I just ordered a book that was recommended called a short and easy method of prayer by Madam Guyon. She lived in the 16th century and her prayer style unsettled the religious authorities who had her imprisoned for seven years where she penned more books hoping to draw people into unity with Christ. This book has been credited by many people for transforming their prayer life.

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