
Christians & Atheists: Can't we all get along?

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You know, you all say these mean things but I think it's just defense. I think you're all afraid of getting hurt. It's OK, let go of your anger, show who you really are, you're all exciting, fun...




  1. Whatever. This IS how I let out my anger/stress.

  2. Kumbayah!

    Now hand me a crowbar, there's a Creationist gnawing on my foot.

  3. NO! It is wayy more fun this way, once you figure out who asks the questions for a laugh, out of spite, or just plain meanly.

    EDIT: Dumb & American: Did you by any chance get that line from the Vancome Lady Bachelorette Skit from Madtv?

  4. Just as soon as Christians start keeping their superstition to themselves, we'll all get along just fine. So that is to say, never.

  5. Certainly.

    Christian's are called to get along with everyone.

    In fact during the 1st century they did a pretty good job of this.  Early Christian's were well favored in many of their communities but unfortunately things have changed a bit.  I do have hope though because I think that things are changing again.

  6. You are right to some degree, but there is an underlying difference between a Christian and say an atheist.  

  7. no. *drink*

  8. Yep, as soon as all the Atheists become Christians.

  9. I get along just fine with my atheist friends.  It's a matter of teh heart.

    "Love thy neighbor" (includes atheists)



  10. I have never bashed a Christian in all my life.  I may have bashed their believes here and there, but never a Christian.  

  11. You'd be afraid of getting hurt if you want acceptance from both of us. But yeah sure why not.

  12. Well, Rodney, I would.  But if they keep wailing on me, I'm gonna fight back.

  13. Nope *drink*

  14. OK heres a ((((HUG))))


  15. I do get along with many christians, as well as Jews and muslims and people of other religions.  What I have a problem with are the intolerant ones who use their beliefs as a justification to hate and persecute others.  This applies to atheists who use their beliefs in the same way.  

  16. ...Huh?...Yeah.. Not really.

  17. what was the question again? oh yes.. yeah we can

  18. I hope that one day, we can just agree to disagree. We're all humans, and I would like to think that we can be civilised enough to ask each other about our beliefs (or lack of them) in a cuteous manner.

    I'm Christian, but I will not judge others that don't agree with me; that's not my job. I am more than happy to answer any polite questions, and have many questions myself! I'll keep them to myself, though, until some people are more willing to answer them without mocking and sarcastic comments.

  19. I "thumbs up" chris every time I see him, and I think he's like the protestant pope or something!

    I t.u. answers I get a laugh out of, and I get lols all day.  (Thats why chris gets'em he almost made me pi$$ myself one day)  I only t.d. people who give a particularly bland, stupid, or boring response(or anyone who says something about their response getting t.d.s because of how people don't like the truth - because thats just crass).  Even atheists who share my beliefs.  No prejudice.  I may t.d. once or thrice a day.

    I like the way things are going, except the q&a's being deleted.  I lost 12 points once over my best answer being deleted, and that hurt.  It was a really funny answer.  I've never reported anyone's question or answer, ever.

    And I never attack the individual posting a q or a, though sometimes I call their deity or beliefs into question.  I feel that's my prerogative.

    I enjoy the banter.

  20. I thought we were just having fun...Nobody should take anything on here personally.  

  21. Who I really am is someone who wants religion to stay out of legislature.

    When they can abide by that, I'll abide by their golden rule.

    Until then, they are hypocrites who want to do unto others, but not have it done back to them.

    So much for their golden rule.

  22. Thank you Mr. King... Gee, I thought you were in rehab

  23. Thanks to love, the answer is easy!


  24. Don't you think Christianity has a lot of bridge building to do in it's own backyard before it goes showing others "how to live"???

  25. Is this just open to Atheists & Xians?

    I can respectfully disagree with others.

    I will not put up with stalking, rudeness, harassment and worse because I dare to believe differently to others.



  26. We can. Some people just choose not too. I wish we all did. My job as a christian is to try to love evry one and treat people like i want to be treated.

  27. Logic leads to beliefs when the premises are seen, whether or not the conclusion is hoped for.

    Faith leads to beliefs when the premises are unseen, but the conclusion is hoped for.

    Most people hope that logic and faith will come to coexist.  

    What is said:  

    You must worship God.

    What is meant:

    It will benefit you if you  realize that God is Good.

    What is Heard:

    Die, unbeliever!  I will laugh when you are squirming in h**l.

    What is said:  

    Evolution, not creation.

    What is meant:

    Environments support certain mutations, and eliminates others.  Over Billions of years, continued mutations have led to extraordinary abilities;  mobility, senses, intelligence.

    What is Heard:

    The strong and heartless will eliminate the weak.

    What is said:  

    Creation, not evolution

    What is meant:

    I think “Survival of the fittest” is not God's plan.

    What is Heard:

    God planted evidence to trick us into believing what we see so that he could punish us.

    Satan hopes that logic will defeat faith; then we will see everything with our eyes, hear everything with our ears, and understand nothing with our hearts.

    but Jesus proved that faith can defeat logic.

  28. Most of us do get along, quite nicely, in fact...

  29. Not when you have the clowns on your side asking crazy c**p like "Atheists, did you know that Satan had maid a reservation for you in h**l ?"

    Apart from it being extremely interesting grammatically, there is no way I want to associate with crazy people who believe in invisible sky chappies swooping about the place doing haphazard mayhem.

    The whole invisible-sky-critter scam is childish nonsense not too dissimilar to bogeymen under the bed; it was invented as a management tool to scare and or control peasants and small children.


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