
Christians: Do you consider the morning after pill a form of abortion? what about birth control?

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don't both answering if you're not really ANSWERING my question. yes, you get two points but you're still wasting your time.




  1. I don't know much about the "morning after pill". It really all depends on what the pill is designed to do. .

    Is this pill like "the pill", only this one can be taken after s*x and still prevent conception? If this is the case, I would classify this pill as "birth control - contraception".

    If the pill is designed to terminate life in the womb, literally the morning after it was conceived, then it should be considered a form of abortion.

    Morally speaking, both abortion and artificial birth control are morally unacceptable regardless of the circumstances.

    Having said that, there are circumstances in which  the use of "the pill" and condems can be considered moral - but these uses have nothing to do with birth control and that's why it's morally okay.

  2. Birth control is NOT abortion. You can only abort a baby that is there.

    Contraception prevents there being a baby.

    The morning after pill is designed to kill a baby in its very early stages IF conception has taken place, therefore its other name "the abortion pill" is quite correct in many cases.  

  3. No, more a preventative measure.

    No, birth control is not a form of abortion, no fertilization takes place.

  4. Yes on both.ANY type of bith control(whether it's the rythm or abstinance)is blocking or stopping life from occuring.Think of birth control means in this light:while your sleeping i come into your house and put a pillow over your mouth and nose to prevent you from breathing and to stop your life,bith control does the same thing,it prevents life from EVER happening! The wicked thing about birth control is so many so called "christian's" think birth control(woman getting her tubes tied,or a man getting a vesectomy) is ok in the eyes of God when it is not! God gave explicit commands that still apply to christians now days,and that command was be fruitful and multiply,and it wasnt said once,but numerous times thruout Scripture! In fact this AM i looked up in a Bible concordance,and the word child or children was mentioned several hundred times,so there is all the proof a christian must need to be obedient to what God has already said about being fruitful and multiplying.

  5. as far as the pope states, there shouldn't be any birth control etc. Of course this is nonsense but that's my opinion.

    I personally think that the morning after pill is NOT a form of abortion.

  6. Yes Lucy, that is how the morning-after-pill works.  It causes an abortion early in the pregnancy.  In fact this is how birth control pills work.  They don't prevent a pregnancy but induce an abortion early one.  


  7. What about masturbation.

    Wet dreams

    I keep my sperm in the freezer.

  8. it takes longer than 24 hours for the sperm to reach the egg. the morning after pill just kills the sperm, just like BC.

    it's not abortion if the sperm does not penetrate the egg.

  9. I do consider the morning after pill a form of abortion.  The egg has possibly been fertilized and the pill prevents it from being able to implant in the uterus.  Its a gray area, maybe the egg wouldn't have implanted anyway, but I think its wrong.

    As for birth control, there are some doctors who say it can cause the same problem.  Its supposed to stop you from ovulating and also thicken your cervical mucus so sperm can't get through.  But, if you ovulate and the sperm make it in, your uterine lining has also been thinned by the BC pill.  I did a lot of research and reading, and I'm still on birth control.  From what I've read and understand, if you ovulate, your lining will thicken up on its own so I don't think BC prevents a fertilized egg from implanting.  My husband was conceived while his mom was on birth control so it clearly lets some babies be born.

    I don't have a problem with preventing pregnancy, just interfering with a fertilized egg that if left alone would become a human being.

  10. Anyone who uses abortion as a form of birth control is pathetic indeed period!  As for the morning after pill yes it is abortion.  Think about it for a moment... s*x can cause a pregnancy.  If the egg and sperm came together then it is life and to terminate that life is murder.  

  11. Yes, I consider the morning after pill abortion for the same reason others have mentioned.  The idea of this pill is not to prevent pregnancy but to terminate a pregnancy that occurs.

    Yes I believe in birth control.  There are many options available.  1. Abstinence 2. Rhythm method -- don't do what causes pregnancy when you know the timing is there.  3. Pills, patches, shots, etc.  4. Condemns 5. IUDs . . . and the list goes on.

    The problem is such methods require self-control and in a free and open sexually driven society self-control is the last thing on many people's mind.

  12. Well I don't know if the baby is already properly concieved then yeah I guess it is kind of like abortion but it isn't properly concieved yet is it?  I won't have to take it since I no longer believe in s*x before marriage.

  13. Morning after pill: Very grey area, something I believe you will need to take up with God. Since it does not stop the egg from being fertilized it is a human being as far as I am concerned and thus an abortion.

    Birth Control: Not abortion so long as the egg is not becoming fertilized.

  14. Some people consider abortion birth control.....

  15. Abortion kills anything that is alive. Contraceptions (against conception) keeps life from happening

    I also believe that the only right s*x is bisexual married  

  16. Are you asking already-born Christians or those still in the pre-existence?

  17. no it sounds worse like she is trying to kill a human already sucks....REal birth control is ahead of time!!

  18. Probably. A high school biology class will teach you this little fact. It takes three days for the sperm to even get to the egg. And another three days of cell splitting to even be what has been deemed 'life' in the argument against stem cell research. That after three days the egg is conceived, if you will. So that is 6 days by my watch.

    The morning after pill coats the egg and makes it difficult to stick to the wall of the uterus. From what i know about it anyway. If this is literally the morning after, then there is no chance at all that there could even be the meeting of the sperm and egg, let alone a life form being present.

    Anything lesser is purely ignorant, you can research this on your own if you choose to.

  19. Technically, abortion refers to the termination of a PREGNANCY, either induced or spontaneous, not the life of a human being (which begins at fertilization; see link in source box), and technically, pregnancy does not begin until implantation, so, technically, no, the morning after pill and other hormonal contraception are not forms of abortion (did I say technically enough?)

    HOWEVER, in popular parlance, abortion is understood to mean the termination of the life of an early stage human being. That hormonal contraception interferes with implantation is acknowledged in the drug companies' own literature (see below). If a human being at the blastocyst stage cannot implant, he or she dies.

    So, do I consider the morning after pill (and other forms of hormonal contraception a form of abortion? That depends on how you are using the term "abortion." Technical usage, no. Popular usage, it can be.

    "Taking the Pill causes the lining of the uterus to change, which makes it hard for an egg to be implanted."

    "Combination hormonal contraceptives act by suppression of gonadotropins. Although the primary effect of this action is inhibition of ovulation, other alterations include changes in the cervical mucus (which increase the difficulty of sperm entry into the uterus) and the endometrium (which reduce the

    likelihood of implantation)."

    "Emergency contraceptives are not effective if the woman is already pregnant. Plan B® is believed to act as an emergency contraceptive principally by preventing ovulation or fertilization (by altering tubal transport of sperm and/or ova). In addition, it may inhibit implantation (by altering the endometrium)."

  20. I'm not a Christian but as a pro-life supporter, yes, I do consider both of them tantamount to murder.

    The pill however has non-abortive purposes for some women.  For example, some women have such heavy 'flows' that if they are not regulated, bleed-out is a very real risk for them.  Such women rarely are able to carry a pregnancy to term anyways, and as such the moral imperative is satisfied and the woman may morally take it.

    Such a woman should STILL be using barrier methods, however, to try to prevent conception all the same.

  21. Do you know what the "real" problem is with Christians?

    For some reason they feel that every person has worth and human dignity.

    So when someone pops a RU486 and it results in death, that's abortion.

    Natural birth control is acceptable.

    God love you!

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