
Christians: Do you follow the golden rule?

by Guest56911  |  earlier

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  1. Why do pro-g**s dwell with only that Bible verse? If a hurricane is coming your way, one piece of cardboard wood may not protect you.

  2. Following the laws of our country have NOTHING to do with "Doing" something to someone.

  3. *Sigh*.  

    Yes - I do follow the golden rule.  I can honestly say that I haven't always.

    I have never dicatate who someone can marry.  I am only 29.

    I have never dictated what someone should do with their own personal health choices.. Well, when I was 16 and in college I had a friend, which I tried to get her to keep her child.  She did what she wanted.. had an abortion, and I went with her.

    Does this make me a hypocrite?

  4. "If so, why dictate who someone else can marry?"

    frankly if you want to s***w up your life fine i will give my warning to try and convince you not to but after that its your choice...

    "why dictate what someone should do with their own personal health choices?"

    in the case of abortion, you are right.. it doesn't affect me, but it does affect someone that wouldn't have a say in the matter.... so i will be a voice for them.

  5. I don't see any hypocrisy. If you are going to follow the bible follow it all. In Lev 18:22. He say homosexual acts is an abomination to him. That is why you can't marry someone of the same s*x. That verse you posted means like treat people like you would want them to treat you. What you are talking about is people making decisions against GOD's Will and what his word say. If we following the bible than we make decisions based on the bible. Can't twist it to justify the sin you want to commit.

  6. was going to answer this one, but it looks like they already brought your hypocrisy DOWN!!

  7. I see no hypocrisy.  If I am living in sin, I would want some one to tell me.  Therefore, I do the same.

    Healthcare choice - murdering preborn children - sorry, I don't see the connection.

    Edit - I would rather they risk their own life than to be responsible for allowing legalized abortion.  It is the consequence of their sin, sorry.

    Concerning shelfish - The Levitical Law concerning kosher foods has been lifted - this is NOT "twisting scripture" as you say, it is clearly anulled by God Himself, when He instructed Peter to eat from the basket of unclean foods and rebuking Peter when he refused, saying "Do not call unclean what I have called clean."

    Concerning truth - it is not *my* truth as to what is sin, it is God's.  If you do not believe, that is your burden.  You happen to live in a country that is attempting to uphold Christian values, but it is just as much my right to defend them as it is yours to defeat them.  Get used to this fact.

  8. With your logic, you are using the golden rule to say, don't challenge me on my choices and I won't challenge you.  Being respectful of another doesn't include being respectful of their behavior, should it violate laws of God and man.

  9. Yes, If i was a homosexual on my way to h**l I would want somebody to tell me the truth.

  10. I won't say I do, but I try to.  

    Since when does Jonathan decide who is and isn't going to h**l?  I guess I need to run all my decisions by him now.  

    EDIT: Sei, why do anti-g**s dwell on leviticus and insist that we follow the 'whole bible' when that's LOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!

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