
Christians: Do you know that words in a book are not proof of anything?

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(except that you perceive there to be words in a book)




  1. So I am just as free to dismiss the works of Nietzsche, Cant and Russell.



  2. christians do know that the bible is false. but they do not have the guts to admit it.  that is the problem

  3. No! No! NO! My Lord of the Rings book says that there are elves! So, that is proof that there are elves! Do not try to convince me, otherwise! YOU... You... NON-BELIEVER!

  4. I believe that most are intelligent enough to know the buy-bull is proof of nothing.

  5. Are you talking about that book penned by a bunch of bronze-age goat herders who had way too much time on their hands, and were probably smoking a bit of rope, now and then? That book? It's drivel.

  6. Anyone can write a book, and it seems everyone has.  If I wrote a book that started off saying "this is the word of God" would you all believe it too?  Man some people are so naive.  I hope they aren't reproducing.

  7. Au contraire, it is proof that the offset printing process works.

  8. "In the beginning was the Word...."

    Guess what, the author is not talking about the word in a book.

  9. Yes we do. Do you know the definition of faith?

  10. Since when is written and eyewitness testimony not proof?

    It's up to YOU the individual to weigh the evidence provided.

    Christ is lying or He's not..Pick one and move on already.

  11. Blasphemy

  12. Hey local catholic here! the bible is a group of stories and historical information  that are meant to teach a lesson. It has been warped and twisted and picked apart and put back together so many times its hard to tell what the message is any more but its still the same as it was back when it all started be good to each other thats all heaven or h**l or just laying in the dirt why not just be good to each other.  

  13. Yes, darlin', but it depends on WHICH book.


  14. Then why do you believe Richard Dawkins then... there is no proof of anything, just theories and words in a book.

  15. So then everything I learned in school isn't true? I read all my biology, physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, history, math, algebra, geometry, sociology, psychology, and English in books. Guess it is all a lie, eh? LOL!

    Of course I jest. You are missing a HUGE point here, my good man. People who believe in God do not do so just because it is in the good book, although many of them are too ignorant to argue otherwise (there are ignorant people in all demographics, Christian and atheist alike). The fact is that most of them believe because of personal experiences in their lives. Don't need a book to believe in stuff. But just because it is written down does not discredit it, and there is no way to disprove to someone something they have personally experienced or witnessed.

  16. Ah so we have a psychologist in the house. I perceive you are rather intelligent but hey, I have no proof.

  17. You read a science and book and believe it without seeing the evidence along with it so whats your point? How do know most of that isnt just made up, after all it too was written by humans?

    It is arguable that the bible is a historicl document. Its not 100% accepted because of the religious aspect that people dont believe in. Look it aside from the religion and it would acceptable as historical. There is evidence for the Bible. There is scientific evidence to prove the 10 plagues could have occured. The bible never said how it was done, just that it was done, so science doesnt disprove it miracality. There is evidence that people once dwelled by the red sea as talked about in the exodus of the Hebrews from egypt. The jews and muslims themselves are proof. They both came from abraham (biblical character) and have been geneticaly linked.

    The bible also talks about Ramses III, pharao at the time of the Hebrew's exodus from Egypt. Ramses III we know was an actual person because his body is in a musuem. There is also evidence of the slaves working in Egypt. So there is proof of that being correct making it historical.

    To sit there and say something is not true based on your religious veiws about it alone is not very intelligent. The new testament was also written within the first 200 yrs after the time of Christ making it viable as a document.

    It hasnt been changed, the manuscripts it was derived from are still in

    possesion to this day. Somebody in the historical community would have pointed out the differences in today's bible as compared to the manuscripts if there had been any changes made to teachings and stories.

    I think instead of spending all your time on R&S maybe you should actualy go out and get yourself educated on biblical history before coming on here with stupid questions like these.

  18. do you know that the bible is not the only reasons why Christians believe in God

    I can tell you many reasons why I believe in God without referencing the bible

  19. Clive Staples Lewis:

    [Consciousness] is either inexplicable illusion, or else revelation.

    Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it.

  20. God has worked his way in our lives as christians. we have seen miracles, we have seen His works in people, and we KNOW that our lives are in his hands.

    i pray that you may realize that Jesus is the one true God. it is the only way you can get to heaven!

    may god bless you all...


  21. If that's true, then Mathematicians are screwed.

    All those mathematical proofs only exist as words and number on paper.

    Proof doesn't exist in the physical world, only evidence does; proof is the reasoning that utilizes that evidence to form a conclusion.

  22. Particularly ones that were written 2000 years ago by superstitious goat herders..

  23. Are you telling me Harry Potter isn't true?  


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