
Christians - Does it ever bother you that there is no proof of God's existence?

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Does it bother you, that you can't answer a question with something more tangible than, "I have faith", "God loves me", "I feel his presence"?.




  1. Kid right under me, you have done your research. You know your faith and scientific theories. By the way, I think the separating of pangaea happened after babel. And I totally agree with you, science proves christianity.

  2. There is proof. For example, the gulf of Aqaba, the part of the red sea where the Israelites made their exodus from Egypt, still has scattered pieces of chariot wheels preserved in coral. Science proves Christianity. Pangaea did exist, but it did not separate over millions of years. It separated either during the flood of Noah or shortly after. Now one might ask, how did those animals get to Africa, Asia etc. Well another theory is that the split happened in the years following the tower of Babel. The ice age. The flood of Noah's time. You evolutionists believe that everything evolved from bacteria in water. We Christians believe that the first living things God created were the fish of the sea. And that humans were the last thing on earth to be created. As for if there were no proof of Christianity, its called faith. Now I will look at your side. If there is nothing after death and this is just part of a giant cycle,then every single human accomplishment is useless and the human race will eventually end and when we die, its the end and we just go black for all eternity. Does that sound fun to you? everything meaningless and death the end? Not really. Thank you. My point has been made. And just so you know, I'm 12 years old, I am a Christian and I go to a public school and get99.7 percent in science on my report cards, so don't go saying I don't know anything about the pangaea/evolution/ice age/ big bang theories.

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