
Christians--Have you experienced visions of a "holy light" before? Or heard of it?

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During ministering with some team members, our pastor walked up to my husband and I saying, "The light is so bright over you guys." I have heard many compliments of us "my husband and I" as having a special calling. Sometimes reference to light is being used. I have always believed in our Lord Jesus Christ. But, I can say that it wasn't until recently that I really became connected and understood. I am a new Christian basically. I am new to prophetic blessings and understand that some people are given this gift. Those who can see this light are they prophetic?

Blessed is the one who can not see yet, believes. But, I really want to see this light I have heard many people have seen.

I am truly fascinated by this.




  1. What an elegant way to keep believers. Tell them they're special.

    It's all bulldust, to be honest with you.

  2.   Bit of a funny place to ask this question.Seriously since you

      seem to have a annointed Pastor. You know people give all sorts of

       advice in a forum like this.

       Maybe you wanted someone othere than your church .hmm

       Anyway God is so marvelous that he has a team here.I am

       going to take things a bit further.

        1.I belive you have a set time for prayer & reading the bible? (daily)

        2.Your personal house is in order?


          Jeramiah 29: 12-13


        If the answer is yes to above proceed.

        3. The bright light is the Glory of God it's his presence.

            His presence is with us always, BUT in certain times

            with His presence he gives his power,specialy

            annointings for a time and season.

        4.Pray to the Holy Spirit to prepare you

        5.Tell this desire of you have to see things spiritual

        6.Ask him to help you understand your gifts & calling

        7.Learn to be sensitive to the inner voice of God whispered

           by the Holy Spirit

           Jeremiah 33:3

         Starting out your ministry might seem very tough and you might

         want to give up BUT dont.Ask God for a sign for confirmation of  

         your calling.When it comes be sure it is that and never stray from

         it because it's your special calling.

         There is no easy ministry dear sister it cost our selves our time

         and there is trouble big or small. BUt these shape you up.

       ( You go to the gym? see the principles are similar)

         BUT the JOY of doing his work and his blessings surpasses

         all. You will fulfill the purpose you were born for a little or a lot

         it makes an impact on someones life to meet God.

          For now seek guidence from your pastor till you can discern

          the voice of God

           Mostly prophets see visions. Evangelists also

           BUT God can give whatever to whom he pleases.

          God bless.


  3. no such thing

  4. Who wants you to see this light...your ego or God?  Can you decipher which?

  5. Yes, I've experienced it. I think I just knew what it was. I never thought about it as meaning someone is prophetic, but I have known that a number of things would happen before they did - some many years in advance.

  6. No. But I have experienced the sensation of the form of a body inside of me, who lifted my hands up to the sky while I was in church camp when I was younger. It was, and is still a very bizarre experience for me to share, because it defies my, and others, human reasoning and logic. But it has offered me ultimately more faith in my relationship with God and to do his will.

    These things are most definitely possible. They can happen.

  7. The light has to do with being anointed, having a certain calling.  Just seek God and have Him show you what and where He is leading you.  As you draw closer to the Holy Spirit, He will begin to open your spiritual eyes and you will be able to see the spiritual realm more.

    The people above do not understand.  It does not mean that you are more special than anyone else, just that you have a certain mission that you are going to do.

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