
Christians: How can people on opposite sides of the earth both see Jesus coming in the clouds?

by Guest60077  |  earlier

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I just thought of a good joke here, but let's see if anyone else can provide it.




  1. They won't be able to see him with their physical eyes, but only with the "eyes of understanding" that the signs he gave us were indeed being fulfilled, as they are even in our time.

    Jesus told his followers that the world would see him no more, but they would be taken to heaven to co-rule with him and so would "live again" with him.

    John 14:19--"“A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also."


  2. This section is stupid

  3. Naughty Jesus, sleeping around with multiple clouds.

  4. Like you said, coming in the clouds, even planes need radar, besides Jesus said how he left, is how he would return. And as the account goes, a cloud engulfed him, and the cloud ascended into the heavens, so he was not visible when he went to heaven.

    Consider this Dan 2:44, Jesus also said presents, you can be at one location and make your presents know without actually being physically there. Christ's presents was to be after he kicked satan out of heaven, right before the the 4 horseman rides, they started to ride in 1914 when the 1st one, the red horse(meaning war) started his ride at the beginning of the 1st World War. Could his 2nd coming already happened. Could the rapture mean that Christ is filling the 144,000 joint rulers seats that will rule with him and the scriptures call these joint rulers, "The Bride Class of Christ"?

    Could we be at Armageddon door step, where wickedness, false religion, and man's governments will be done away with and God's government will rule all mankind in a Paradise new world where ther will be no more death?? Rev 21:1-4

  5. jesus will put up giant mirrors everywhere so that everyone can see him.

  6. *Taps on shoulder* Hey. Some of the christians here don't own a globe. They don't know about Asia.

  7. Ever hear of Satellite TV?

    The Bible tells us all eyes will see him when he returns.  The only practical way I can see this happening is through TV.  We can see anything going on all over the world...that couldn't be done before.  I'm sure if Jesus was coming through the clouds in Isreal, there would be TV camera's going full tilt!  

    This is just my opinion though...

  8. well as Christians they are given special glasses or contacts to put jesus in the sky  

  9. ever heard of omnipresent?

  10. He borrows Santa's sleigh, we know that Santa's system works somehow.

  11. We Flat-earthers know how...

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