
Christians: How did Jesus provide salvation? What did He do?

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  1. There is scant evidence for an 'historical jesus'. There is absolutely no credible, tangible, verifiable evidence for a 'divine jesus'. People hold opinions about 'jesus' but they are just that. Opinions. The same is true of 'salvation'. Just opinion.

  2. Took my sin upon himself,  then bore the punishment that I deserved.  He was the perfect sin-offering, and his death reconciled me forever to God.  And with his resurrection, he eternally conquered death's dominion.

  3. He died on the cross.

    (I didn't think you'd understand...)

  4. By dying in my place. The penalty of sin is death. I can only pay for my sin through death. But Jesus paid for my salvation by dying on the cross.  

  5. He laid down His life and took on our/my sins and became the final sacrifical lamb taking away all my sin past present and future once and for all. Because of love because of Gods /His love.Making it once again possible for me to aproach God personally since the fall of Adam and Eve.

  6. One way to look at it is that God sacrificed his son (who was also himself) to prevent himself from punishing people for something they didn't do.

  7. Lived a sinless life, then gave it for us, instead of us.

  8. Jesus took our sin upon Himself (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus died in our place (Romans 5:8), taking the punishment that we deserve. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead, proving His victory over sin and death (Romans 6:4-5). Why did He do it? Jesus answered that question Himself, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).

  9. He paid the price for ALL of our sins...everybody. We don't have to go to h**l for our sins if we only believe what Jesus did for us.

  10. He didn't provide 'salvation'.  He taught us to love one another and be kind, even to the least of us.

    The Kingdom of Heaven is within, just as He said.

    I am not a Christian but know Jesus to have been a great teacher.

  11. ...but he didn't REALLY die because apparently he's alive again (or so christians claim).  If he didn't really die for you then I guess he didn't save you.

  12. He willingly died for me.  

  13. He died.  

    Think about it... he was convicted of calling himself the Messiah and the Son of the King but it wasn't until during his trial, right before he was put to death that he actually confirmed his identity.  He could have easily lied and saved his own life, but he didn't.  He told the truth and through his self-sacrifice he made it possible for someone who was born from of sin like me to go to heaven.  How cool is that!

  14. He was the "perfect substitute" for us.

    You see.. we are all accountable for our sins.  We are held to that ultimate penalty of death (both physical and spiritual).  And God expects each of us to PAY that price, both the spiritual and physical price.

    But we, in our human limitations, are simply unable to do so.  Sure, we CAN die physically, but we cannot ... we we do not posess the POWER to OVERCOME that death to restore OURSELVES to LIFE again, with God.  We do not have the power of self-resurrection.  But guess what?  Jesus DID!  Because He was fully God AND fully human, He paid that price of death (when He ... because He was sinless... did not HAVE to die), but He also possessed the POWER to SELF-resurrect Himself, and be "restored" to "harmony" with God, the Father.

    If WE WERE able to do this, then we COULD do it OURSELVES.  We would not NEED what Jesus did ... and did selflessly.. for ALL mankind.  God has told us that Jesus' death and resurrection is the acceptable substitution for our inability to pay the price of our sins.

    Say you were arrested for stealing from a bank.  The judge fined you $15 billion. Now, if you could PAY that money, you could go free, and all was "right" with the world, but there's NO way for you to come up with that money.  Now... Jesus comes forward in front of the judge and says, "Judge, I can pay the fine for this person. Would you accept my payment and let him go?"  The judge agrees that this is acceptable to him, but says, "only if it's acceptable to the person."

    Then Jesus turns to you, looks, and says, "Well?  I will pay your fine but you have to accept that I do this for you."

    What would be your answer?

    This is how Jesus provided salvation.. and that is what He did.

    Have a blessed day.

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