
Christians: How do you explain the dinosaurs?

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I once saw on a christian t.v programme, that some dude thought god put the fossils there to test our faith....obviously he was a nut job!

but how do you guys explain it?




  1. They often claim that the bible talks about them. Leviathans or the such.

    Doesn't exactly explain how they're fossilised though, as that takes millions of years, and earth is supposed to only be 6000...

  2. One explanation that I heard was simply that it wasn't "six days" as we would understand it, but on a different time/day scale. Being that "days" on, say, Mars are a different length than an earth "day," I guess this is one of the more valid arguments I've heard from a Christian. Then again, there are others who say that T-Rex just didn't have enough faith so God killed him. Different people have different ideas. Personally, I don't think religion and science are mutually exclusive. I believed in evolution and the dinosaurs even during my younger days, when I was really into religion and all. But I don't claim to have all the answers.

  3. God created all life, this would obviously include the dinosaurs.

  4. If their bones are there, then God made the dinosaurs.

  5. if man lives without hurting others religion old religions become obsolete.

    religionists may "blame it on Devil" for radio carbon dating.

    its fun.

  6. Get ready for some kent hovind videos.

  7. G-d created the heavens and Earth and all within.  The dinosaurs are part of creation; Adam and Eve is a nice story of unreal people with a real moral: listen to G-d and do what (S)he says!

  8. They were too fat to fit on noah's ark and drowned

  9. why would fossils prove God wrong?

    In fact, God created dinosaurs too.

    obviously, everything about evolution is theory and theories can't be proven.

    It is a THEORY that some commet came down and killed them

    it is a THEORY that it took millions of years to fossilize them

  10. II can’t explain them any more than I can explain how to perform brain surgery.  I can tell you that God created them and they lived on this earth along with mankind. I do not believe it was billions of years ago though.  Many things have been fossilized in 50 years or less. It doesn’t take billions of years to create a fossil.  

    I agree that who ever said that fossils were put there to test our faith is a nut but I have heard just as nutty ideas from evolutionist.  

    A fundamental Christian to the core

  11. I personally believe that the earth that we are living on has been here before.  Just as after this world is burned up with fervent heat, there will be a new heaven and a new earth.  I believe that when we come back with Christ to rule as Kings and Priests on the earth that we will be much like the angels in heaven are now and the whole cycle will begin again.  Only I think things will look different and I think there will be a different type of being.  Just totally my opinion but it would explain why parts of the earth could be billions of years old and there could be fossils of life forms that we no longer have in existence.  Remember God has been and always will be.  What did He do all those eons of eras before our time?  I believe that there is a huge time span between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:3.  

  12. The Bible mentions dinosaurs plenty of times, especially in the book of Job chapter 40:51 and the entire chapter 41. There is a lot of evidence that dinosaurs lived with man. (thumbs down). If evolution was true then the dinosaur bones would be buried way farther down in the earth's crust then we are able to dig, if they lived 65 million years ago.

    If you really want to know... check out these cool websites that have a bunch of dinosaur topics. I seriously think dinosaurs still exist. Just in remote areas.

    Please search for the truth more and more. Check out these websites below which gives awesome facts about God's amazing creatues!

  13. There is no word for "dinosaur" in the Hebrew language. Obviously, there were a lot more creatures than just dinosaurs that were left out of the creation account. If God were to have included every creature in the creation account (well over one billion), such inclusion would have completely lost the spiritual significance of the passage (and would be much longer than the Bible itself). The purpose of the Genesis creation account is to give an account of how God created mankind and provided for him. The account, like the entire Bible, centers on God and His miraculous workings for mankind.

  14. Dinosaurs were created by God during creation week. No big deal.

  15. Most Christians do realize dinosaurs existed. You're generalizing. It's the fundamentalist that do not.

  16. Exodus 20:11 states that God created the Heaven and the earth and ALL that is in them in six days which would obviously include dinosaurs.

    Some of them are mentioned in the Bible as leviathan and behemoth in the book of Job and other passages refer to dragons, tanniyn, flying serpents, etc... Most of them died and were buried in Noah's flood which is how we find fossils of them today...fossilization does not take millions of years to occur....just the right conditions for mineralization and rapid burial.....conditions which a global flood would have produced. Fossilized hats and cowboy boots have been found.

    Some of the dinosaurs which Noah brought onboard the Ark lived and produced offspring for many centuries which gave rise to the many dragon tales in various parts of the world. Ancient people referred to dragons...what we call dinosaurs today since the word "dinosaur' was not invented until the late 1800's. Alexander the Great and the Roman historian, Pliny, refer to dragons fighting elephants in India...some were so large that their wings could wrap around an elephant....probably a pterosaur. Marco Polo wrote of dragons in China....Chinese Emperors had official "dragon keepers" to care for the dragons pulling Imperial chariots or carts in parades.

    There are also many thousands of evidences from around the world which show man and dinosaurs co-existed until fairly recent times. Evidences such as cave paintings and drawings, temple carvings, fabrics, headdresses, and ancient artifacts.

    The Darwinian evolutionary belief that dinosaurs lived and died out millions of years ago simply isn't supported by the evidence....or God's Word in the Bible.

  17. Thats easy,

    Its mentioned many times in the bible like previousley stated.

    Look up the word Behemoth

  18. What's to explain?

    Dinosaurs had their day.

  19. obviously god made them

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