
Christians. How do you say the Bible is God's word?

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Concerning the controversial issues in the Bible, how can Christians decide by two-thirds majority what is God’s Word and what is not, as the prefaces of some Bibles say like that one of the RSV?

Why do the Christians call those books of the Old Testament “God’s Word” when the revisers of the RSV Bible say that some of the authors are unknown? They say that the author of Samuel is “unknown” and that of Chronicles is “Unknown, probably collected and edited by Ezra”!

Isn't this proof that the Bible is not God's word or you just insist on following your religion ignoring the truth?




  1. You don't understand that God gives believer's an unction of the Holy Spirit. We know the bible to be the truth from God because of this. If you never know God you will never get a real anwser to this question.  

  2. Why You Can Trust the Bible

    Some people say the Bible is unreliable, and their views have gained wide acceptance. Thus many today dismiss what the Bible says as untrustworthy.

    On the other hand, what Jesus Christ said in prayer to God promotes trust: "Your word is truth." And the Bible itself claims to be inspired by God.—John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16.

    What do you think about this? Is there sound basis for trusting the Bible? Or is there really evidence that the Bible is unreliable, that it contradicts itself and is inconsistent?

    Does It Contradict Itself?

    While some may claim the Bible contradicts itself, has anyone ever shown you an actual example? We have never seen one that could withstand scrutiny. True, there may appear to be discrepancies in certain Bible accounts. But the problem usually is lack of knowledge regarding details and circumstances of the times.

    For example, some persons will draw attention to what they consider a discrepancy in the Bible, asking: 'Where did Cain get his wife?' The assumption is that Cain and Abel were the only children of Adam and Eve. But the assumption is based on a misunderstanding of what the Bible says. The Bible explains that Adam "became father to sons and daughters." (Genesis 5:4) Thus Cain married one of his sisters or possibly a niece.

    Often critics are just looking for contradictions and so may declare: 'The Bible writer Matthew says that an army officer came to ask Jesus a favor, while Luke says that representatives were sent to ask. Which one is correct?' (Matthew 8:5, 6; Luke 7:2, 3) But is this really a contradiction?

    When the activity or work of people is credited to the one who is actually responsible for it, a reasonable person does not claim a discrepancy. For example, do you consider a report to be in error that says a mayor built a road even though the actual building of the road was done by his engineers and laborers? Of course not! Similarly, it is not inconsistent for Matthew to say that the army officer made a request of Jesus but, as Luke writes, that such a request was made through certain representatives.

    As more details are known, apparent discrepancies in the Bible disappear.

  3. " Isn't this proof that the Bible is not God's word or you just insist on following your religion ignoring the truth? "

    I think YOU may be slightly confused because the Bible IS God's word and our religion IS the truth.

    I suggest that you get a life and quit trying to impose your beliefs on others.  If we want to believe it then that is our choice, a ver GOOD choice in fact.  If you want to believe otherwise then that is your choice and you opinion.  Everybody is entitled to their own opinions and I'm sick of IGNORANT people posting stupid questions like this.

    GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!

  4. the people you said who wrote this books are not the authors at all. The Holy Spirit is guiding them, telling them what to write. This is written on the Bible. The Holy Spirit is the Author/Writer, and therefore we do not have any question about it.

    God uses Bible verses to talk to people. The Bible is the Word of God,and it is stated again in the Bible itself.

    Please don't question the Bible. It is God's Word, Holy, is inspired, only infallible, and authoritative Word of God.

  5. it isnt its MANs word

  6. If the criteria 4 what determines the BIble 2 be true or not rests on knowing who put their pen 2 the parchment then many ancient writings should all be tossed aside. Certainly, unless there was evidence it came from God I would not have read the entire Bible if that were a main criteria 4 proof of its validity. The fact that the Bible is consistant regarding God, the truth, His Son, prophecy & the future over a period of about 1800 years through many writers, many of whom never knew each other, is astounding - God declared the end from the beginning. There4 u r wrong in your assumptions.

    Whoever seeks Jesus Christ with all his heart & soul will find Him (u shall know the truth & it will set u free). But u can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make them drink. Why should God want u 2 live with Him forever if u dont want 2 know Him (reason 4 free will - Jn 1:12-13)? The truth of God remains forever while things of a man dies with him, including his religions & gods made in his image. Theres everlasting hope only in Jesus Christ.


  7. It does not matter that right now we don't know to authors of some Bible books.

    The important thing is that it has always been a canon for the Jews and back then they knew very well what is inspired from God.

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