
Christians: How is it that your 'loving' religion is misinterpreted by so many?

by Guest62790  |  earlier

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Christians: How is it that your 'loving' religion is misinterpreted by so many?

So many hate groups have claimed to be Christians:

-Hitler and his n***s

-Present Day Neo n***s

-The KKK

I understand that these groups are "real Christians" but isn't it strange that such an enormously large number of people have interpreted your religion in such a hateful manner? Why do you think think that is?

*A majority of the answerers completely missed the question when I previously posted it, so I am reposting in an attempt to get my actual question answered. The question is NOT whether or not these groups are/were "true Christians". The question is, why do you think it is that your religion is misinterpreted by such a large number of people?*




  1. I'm not Christian, but I know one thing... People will twist and deform any religion just to suit their actions.  Those murderous psychopaths will turn anything ugly to justify what they do and say.  They're genuinely sick.

  2. And while we're at it can we add Islam to this question ? Not of course as an example of Christianity but as a religion which gets 'misunderstood' (I'm being generous: I think the terrorists and lunatics understand it perfectly well).

  3. There are sections of every religion that are evil. Except Buddhism maybe. Look at terrorism. The answer is that some people just ******* suck, and represent the different things they're related to very badly.

    I'm not Christian by the by.


  4. There will always be people who seek to use anything and everything to justify themselves and benefit themselves. If it wasn't Christianity it would simply be something else, and your question would be one word different.  

  5. Wow, the first interesting question of the day. I suppose anyone feels oppressed by something, that is inevitable. As a g*y man who has wasted most of my life trying to answer this question, I still don't have the answer. I lived a live that was once very religious, and at a time in my life when I was very young I experienced it's hatred first hand.

    I suppose when you limit ones basic human rights, with no proof to back your claims, people get upset. It is that simple. At least give people some sort of proof to these sorts of claims. That is all people are asking for.

    Just because some being that you have not seen, exists in someplace you are not sure of, who sends vague and mysterious plans. That happen to ultimately propagate the furthering of their own agandas, I mean you would have to be either blind or a moron not to smell something bad in that logic. If one can call that logic.

  6. Because people are consumed with hatred ,in all walks of life --they do not understand that there is NO god/allah , whatever.

    A certain group of people control the worlds media, energy supplies ,etc.

    By turning sections of society against each other , they remain with their hands tightly gripping the reins.

    btw , KKK and n***s have the same views as Muslims--denial of the holocaust , hatred of anything different to themselves.

  7. False  doctrine  and  errant  teachings  accomplished  that.The  teaching  of  the  doctrines  and  commandments  of  men  separate  some   from  the  truth.Its  these  commandments  of  men   that  do   harm  to   JESUS    AND  HIS  WORD.The  devil  loves  to  make  JESUS   look   bad  before  the  world.he    does  this   by  having  his  ministers   tell   lies  and  twist  the  WORD  OF  GOD   creating  false  doctrines  and  commandments  of  men.That  in  them  people  are  put  off   by  them.Many  instead  of  doing  it  JESUS'   way    want  to  do  it  there  way   so  it  benefits  them.This  is  done  on  a conscious  level  it  is  selfish   and  gain  saying.   THANK   YOU  D'S

  8. because underneath it all it isnt a loving relgion!

    did you know god personally kills around 300 thousand people in the bible.

    and orders at least 2mill of other people to do his killing for him!

    I mean for gods sake a man was once killed for collected sticks on the sabbath............its a crazy religion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Everyone bakes a pie just a little different, same with a loving message

  10. Devil lies to them and deceives them, for read Matthew 24 For this time you read is now and been going on in just 100 years and is getting close to his coming to take the church witch the Rapture in Mate 25.

  11. Even satan  and his minions know the scriptures and use them against us. It is easier to integrate into a society through its beliefs and practices. Evil is always dressed up in a pretty package at first, by the time we understand what is going on; it is too late. The evil things others have done in the name of God is shameful, but remember there are those that do good in his name and usually are the ones that win out.


  12. n***s dont follow Christs teachings.

    The KKK doesnt follow Christs teachings.

    If they are not following Christ then they are not true Christians.

    I think that they make Christianity what they want it to be.  This is religion.  The devil is using religion to turn people from God.  He always has.

    When Christ was being persecuted, His worst enemies were religious.

  13. For they knew not, use discernment. Everyone is different.

  14. While not all Christians are mindless hate-filled zealots, quite a lot are and if what fundamentalists like Falwell and Robertson call "loving their neighbour" is really love, then I can imagine Adolf Hilter was motivated by the same kind of "love" when he created the n**i Death Camps like Aushwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen and Treblinka.

    Fundamentalists prove they know nothing about what love really is when they can worship a God who murders people at his whim or caprice, throws temper tantrums like a two-year old brat and calls justice the eternal torment of sinners.  You call this love? I call you a fool.

  15. because the majority of christians DONT read the bible and believe what every holy joe and sky pilot tells them so you get a bunch of people claiming to believe the same thing but wont agree on anything

    so now you have  a loving religion that has more problems than the worst marriage john thinks god is the father ,mary says the son,frankie says god is a trinity but they hear the word god and envision only one person instead of three so admist all this ignorance i can start a group, make up my own jesus and come after you  not because the bible says so but because i took what is lies mixed it with a little truth

    got some biblicaly ignorant people to believe me and wa-la

  16. Crazy people adopt all manor of religions.  I doubt that very many of our Muslim friends on here would condone the terrorists groups that act out of so called "Islamic ideals".  Nor would our Hindu friends agree with all the violence in Northern India or our atheist friends for all the injustices in China and Russia.  

    I am incredibly offended that so much evil has been done in the name of Christianity.  Words can't even begin to describe how frustrating and infuriating it is.  However, all I can do is live by what I have known which is a way of peace and love and hope that more good comes of it.


  17. the lack of wisdom, in fact the bible can be found in every book store, so if you read this as the word of God without sufficient guidance, then you could be lost. for me the biggest sin is to feel that you're better than others so you think that you are the king and they're the slave.  

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