
Christians: How many of you know for a fact that christ and god are real beyond all doubt?

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Also how many of you know for a fact that the bible as a source of information about christ and god is true?

If you say you do not know it for a fact but you have faith please explain what that means as best as you are able.

Thanks to all in advance.




  1. Rom 1:18   But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves.[fn6]  

    Rom 1:19   For the truth about God is known to them instinctively.[fn7] God has put this knowledge in their hearts.  

    Rom 1:20   From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.


    I have seen the earth and sky and all that God has made, I can see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. No question God is real.

    Hope this clears it up for you.

  2. I know in my heart that Jesus and God are real, and that the bible is Truth.  I have no doubts.

  3. I know for a fact. I personally know Jesus Christ. I've spoken with Him and He has spoken with me. I have experienced Him working in my life. He saved me time and time again. He took my life from the ashes and formed me into someone strong.

    The Bible is the Word of God. It is inspired by God, written by man, has some bad translations out there, but the original Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic are correct.

    EDIT: How do you expect to see any evidence when your eyes are closed? I can't drag Jesus by the ear to your house and have Him show you the nail scars in His wrists. If you truly want to know Him, just ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Be open to Him and you'll know Him as fact.

  4. I know it.

    The more a person studies the Bible, the more one finds to back up the many claims of divine inspiration. It is TOO perfect to be merely written by just men. Consider the interwoven themes which never contradict, the prophecies which are never incorrect, and always come to pass...and if it had been written by mere men alone, would there not have been a contradiction in doctrine, or even a sentence which speaks higher of man, instead of telling the truth about man's nature?

  5. I will try to answer your question to the best of my ability.  I believe in God and Christ, but believing isn't enough.  Even Satan believes in them - he knows they're real!  In Ephesians 2:8-9, the Bible says we are "saved by grace through faith".  That means that our faith in what Christ has done for us on the cross is sufficient for our salvation.  Accepting that His death was a gift to us - not something we could ever possibly earn - but that because of His love for us, He humbled Himself to that level to pay the price of our sin - because sin HAD to be paid for.  Faith is "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". (Hebrews 11:1).  Simply put, you must have the faith to believe in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit - and that the Bible is the inerrant, God-breathed, God-inspired Word of God.  You will be in my prayers, because you seem like someone who genuinely wants answers to your questions; and I fear that I have failed in presenting you with those answers.  I urge you to read the Bible and find a body of believers in your area who can teach and minister to you.

  6. It is a fact accepted in Faith, not a belief.  Which is a difficult concept to grasp I know.

    I know for a fact He is real, through the interaction we have together in prayer.  And seeing things occur in my life that I could never bring together.  Likewise with the Bible.  It is the interaction that there is when I am studying that lets me know this is Gods true word.

    As Jesus promised, He would not leave us alone when He returned to heaven. He sent us The Holy Spirit.  It is only through Him that we see God at work in our lives and in our learning.

    The best explanation of Faith is in Hebrews ch 11

    I do believe that people with no faith in God can study the bible, and get a certain amount of information out of it.  Just as you would out of any manual, but the knowledge they will gain will never be beyond the technical.  The deeper truths are only revealed when you accept that Jesus is who He is, and God sends His Holy Spirit to be with you.  

  7. God and Christ have proven their existance to me. As for the Bible, I have not questioned either of them about everything that is in it, so I have no answer.

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