
Christians: How mych tyme left for me to till I get raptured?

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Christians: How mych tyme left for me to till I get raptured?




  1. Good question. Maybe the rapture ISN'T going to happen eh?

    Is that what you mean?

    Yeah, all of that 'Tribulation', and Armageddon c**p is one hellova scare tactic all right.

  2. 5 minutes.

  3. I can tell you that no one knows.  

  4. When Jesus comes, every eye shall see him. There is no ware in the Bible that says "rapture"! It doesn't even mention it. The next time someone tells you something, ask for the Bible Texts o.k. o.k..

  5. sorry, you're stuck here with the rest of us

  6. Ask Billie Mays, he knows all.

  7. The sooner the better.  It's time to clean house so the rest of us can continue to evolve.

  8. Where is the Rapture mentioned in the Bible?  And if it's not....why do you believe in it?

  9. "to till I get raptured" is not correct grammar either.

  10. You mispelled 'much' and 'time'

  11. What's "mych tyme." Try using the spell check. It's right there.

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