
Christians: How would the world end in fire when the universe is expanding?

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@ Who are You?:

How do you fail to realize that when there is less heat, there is more coldness? Planets don't move farther away in a solar system. Galaxies and other matter move farther away from each other. Sooner or later, all of the stars' fuel will run out (laws of thermodynamics), and there will be no heat, causing a freeze. Again, why do you think comets exist in the outer parts of our solar system. Why is Pluto cold? Its because they are far away from a source of heat.




  1. Is the Earth moving farther away from the Sun? What about gravity? The Milky Way and all the other millions of galaxies might be moving away from each other in the expansion of the universe, but I fail to see what that has to do with the universe freezing to death. Please, I would love some sound scientific proof.

    Edit- your original question asked "How would the world end in fire when the universe is expanding?" Our solar system is not expanding (at least I haven't heard of anything relating to this). OUR world, the Earth, continues to revolve around OUR Sun due to gravity.

    Then you go on to say that if the universe (which is NOT our solar system) continues to expand the universe will freeze to death. First, the universe HAS been expanding for almost 14 billion years if you accept the Big Bang theory. Yet, it doesn't appear to be "freezing to death". Unless there's a central sun heating all of the universe I fail to see how this can happen. As for stars (suns) dying out- yes, they do, and at the same time more stars are born.


  3. The universe is not expanding according to the scientific explanation of the Bible.There is an end of the universe.

    Psalms 19:6  His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

    It is not an ordinary fire that will burn the earth & heaven.

    2Peter 3:7  But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

  4. dont trust science.

  5. nothing is to hard for God.


  7. Uhhh....he's God.  He can do anything..duhh

  8. I would simply point out that the interpretation of Doppler shift, the supposed basis of the argument for an expanding universe, is not necessarily universally agreed to be solely the result of increasing relative distances of light sources. In depth analysis has been proposed that it is rather a loss of energy of the photon(more so for sources at greater distances) that accounts for the shift. (1) In addition I don't see Doppler shift, even if it were to solely represent increasing relative distances, as proving an expanding universe as our points of view are relative within the universe and thus the possiblity of orbits rather than expansion must exist.

  9. What do you suppose the explosions of atomic bombs might have looked like in the pre-sight of some prophet 2,000 years ago?  Yea, it would look like fire.


  10. Your theory does not make sense because it is God who holds matter and anti-matter in the same cell without allowing them to come together which would be like fire.   Can you imagine if all that is physical exploded!  

  11. No, it would get colder and colder. I just cannot figure out where space ends. Nobody at school knows.

    they just say infinity and that just turns me off. that just is a trick answer.

  12. Our sun will expand as it burns out and will engulf the about 5 billion years.

  13. Asteroid for example

    Also volcanic activity as the plates of the earth rupture and the molten core escapes

    BTW southern Calif is burning fairly well these days

  14. the earth will only ever get further away from the sun if the sun loses it's gravitational pull.

    the sun is getting hotter, in the next 500 million years it will be too hot to support life as we currently know it.

    not a defence of the children, just a 'the earth will be hot when it dies' thing.

  15. um.. wasn't it God that created everything, I am sure he can end it as well

  16. That is a question science will never be able to answer 100%.

  17. religion is not science. science is not religion. god, and how people relate to him as well as their traditions have nothing to do with the practical matters of a universe ending in the same way that the fact that the universe is expanding and will ultimately freeze has nothing to do with the rituals and other ways people relate to a spiritual being.

    lets just say that in order for the world to end in flame it would take an act of God.

    and that is something that science does not nor should not account for.


  18. But the earth and the sun don't have to move furthur apart just because the universe is expanding.

  19. God can make any thing happen and how do you know the worlds not going to end soon.

  20. The entire Galaxy is under the command od God. He alone is in control and nothing is impossible for Him.

  21. The Sun will engulf the Earth.

    I'm not a Christian by the way.

  22. It won't be the end of the world it will be the end of a 3,600 zodiac age said to cause cataclysms.

  23. Imagine all of creation, galaxies, universes, novas, black holes, planets, asteriods and so on and so forth fit on the finger tip of God.

    How hard would it be to believe then that God could destroy all things by fire?

  24. So you want me to explain to you how God will perform what is foretold in Revelation?

    Sorry...I'm really not knowledgable enough to do that.

  25. Because if mankind does manage to recreate the conditions that existed before creation, they will trigger a Big Bang.  The universe will be "overwritten", if you will.

    All by achieving absolute zero.

  26. All the sun has to do is "burp" and the surface of the earth would be burned clean.

  27. YHVH keeps creating.  After the resurrection of the wicked, sin and sinners are destroyed in the lake of fire so YAHOSHUA can make all things new, and very good.  Then this earth once again is the home of the saved, and peace reigns.

  28. no sun exploding, no universe expanding, doesnt even have to be anything natural.

    my God can change anything anywhere anytime.

    the book of revelation states that the non christians will be punished on the day of armageddon, and heavens army will fight satan..

    all non beleivers go to h**l and will burn infanatly

    -"nothing is to difficult for thee"

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