
Christians- I need help. My grandmother is dying...?

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and I am trying to witness to her. I don't know what to say. I have this book about heaven to give to her. i have been praying a lot all day since I found out. I have been getting advice from all of the.. spiritual leaders in my life. Now I figure I could ask some advice from the wonderful Christians on yahoo!. I know a lot of times people say to "first of all get off yahoo answers". I know. I have been just praying and decided to resort to this after already getting some help from God, and when it comes time, He is who I will go to. Thanks in advanced, everyone.




  1. Get a Bible and show her John 3:16  and just tell her that you don't want to see her die and go to h**l without you telling her about Jesus. Read out of the New Testament.  Start in Matthew, it tells about His birth and why He came to earth.  It is sometimes hard to talk to someone about death and where they are heading, but  since you feel this strongly about talking to her, then I believe that you shouldn't let a day go by without talking to her.  It's better than thinking that after she is dead, she is in h**l and crying out to you asking you why you didn't say something to her.

  2. Only God can save her, so if she has heard the gospel, all we can do is pray. I will pray for your grandmother. Here are a few verses to strengthen our faith.

    (Mat 7:7)  Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

    (Jas 5:16)  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    Make sure that you have confessed all your sins to God, because God may not hear those that are completely surrendered to His will.

    (Psa 66:18)  If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:

    I will be praying for your grandmother's Salvation.

  3. Why don't you let her die in peace?  That, my friend, is the best gift you could give her.  If you loved her, you would do that one little thing for her instead of torturning her dying body with your voodoo and c**p.  You people make me sick!  You have no respect for anything, least of all, someone who is on her death bed

  4. I'm sorry about your grandmom. It's nice of you to want to encourage her.

    Before my grandmother past, I shared scriptures such as Isaiah 33:24;Acts 24:15 and 37:11,29. She also loved to dance, but had both her legs amputated. So I spoke about the words in Isaiah 35:6 and how one day we'll put on our red shoes and dance all night.  :o)

  5. When you had the heart to reach out to her, that's all God wants out of you. Keep praying about it now, and well maybe she really did accept God's grace. You've planted the seed already and that's all we can do. Great faith is rewarded!

  6. Just love her and be there for her. And let God do His work. He will.

  7. What good will prayer do?

    Even by christian mentality she's still going to die and only god will judge her. So why pray?

    Just go to her, it'll make her happy.

  8. cal her and tell her 2 say

    la ila ha illallahu muhammadurr rasullulah

    thatd be the best thing to tell her


  9. just give her the book.

    it doesnt take the will of the lord to do such a small thing

    but if she is dying Let her go, sometimes its better to be with the lord


  10. Well, if you are trying to convert her to Christianity, or to have her confess her sins, then it is already too late.  The scriptures tell us that "we cannot wait until that awful day" and then repent of the evil we did, "nay, neither can we say that we can delay the day of our repentance".  She lived her life, and if she had already known of her evil and not confessed, she will be doomed forever.  But note that it is conditional, if she never knew what she did was evil, then she wouldn't want to repent, because repentance is for the wicked, and in her mind, she isn't wicked.  But if she knew and did nothing, then her sins will be remembered at the last day and she will have to pay for them.  I'm sorry.  However, there is still hope for her, if she was not taught the correct principles, she will not be held accountable for those things.

  11. Ask her it she will repeat the lord pray with you psalms 23

  12. If she is consciously ware, ask her if she wants to. I think that is the first place to start. If she says anything but 'no', then you can talk to her about it.

    I find it really good when you are not sure to pray just before going into her presence. Just before!

    My mother died a few years ago from complications of Alzheimer's. I had the opportunity to witness to her with my Bible with no one else to bother us. It's just that with Alzheimer's Disease, you can't be sure if it's even getting through to her.

  13. She doesn't need a witnessing, she needs a doctor

  14. About the only thing I pray for (*sarcasm*) is that on my death bed I don't have clown doing all that "repent or go to h**l - I love you so much - please let me save you from going to h**l" c**p on me.

    When I go I want to be left in peace.

    Kid, if your granny didn't want all that hocus-pocus invisible sky critter stuff when she was alive what makes you think she wants it now?

    The whole invisible-sky-critter scam is childish nonsense not too dissimilar to bogeymen under the bed; it was invented as a management tool to scare and or control peasants and small children.


  15. Pray and let the Holy Spirit lead you.

  16. Instead of trying to witness to her, how about being there for her as a loving granddaughter?  Is she at peace with her beliefs and the fact that she's dying? If so - let her be. Don't pester the poor woman and make her last moments on this earth stressful or miserable.

  17. I will be praying for you!

    Tell her about Jesus Christ, all you know. Tell her that He died on the cross for her and rose from the dead so that she could be saved and go to Heaven.

    Tell her that if she accept Jesus as Saviour, realizes that she has sinned, repents from her sins, and lives her life for God, she is going to Heaven with Jesus!

    I really hope you reach her! And thank you for being so strong to do this. Many people who are saved would be scared.

    I'll be praying.

    God bless.


    tell us how it works out!!!

  18.   now, is a time to just love her, and enjoy the moments you have left.   Remember God is love.  as far as witnessing to her, that is best done by example of love.  preaching to her, may be perceived as forcing which turns people off.  give her your book about heaven as a gift.  i pray for you to know, just know what to do from that still small voice of God's spirit.  you will do fine.  don't worry.  most importantly just love her in your actions.   GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR GRANDMOTHER!!!

  19. All you can do is tell them the Truth. There is a heaven to gain and a real h**l to shun . And only she can make that choice to go to either one .

    Christ died to make it possible for her to go to heaven and He made the opportunities all through her life to make that choice. And as long as she has breath she still has the ability to make that choice .

    Jesus is the only answer , for He and He alone holds the keys of h**l and of death and He and only He is the Way to Heaven.

    Tell her , there is No other Way nor no other route to get there . But her own ways will lead her to her own destruction and to h**l .

    Blunt , but Truth . No one can sugar coat the Truth and make it right with God .

  20. May I point out the difference in your ages?  How much more life experience does she have than you?  Do you think it is at all possible that she has not already heard this "offer" dozens of times in her life and made up her mind about it, all without your help?  And yet you would presume to preach at her, rather than ease her through her last days.  

    You treat "salvation" like it's some kind of carnival ride that requires a secret password to get in on, in which case, what good is it if it doesn't show any fruit?  How does it relieve suffering in the world to know that "Jesus is going to take care of it"?

  21. I'll pray for her!

    Just don't give up.

    I really wouldn't know what to say either.

    what i would do, is ask her if she knows where she's going after she dies. Heaven or h**l?

    And tell her about Jesus. Share the Gospel with her.

    Hope this helps. :]

    Ohkayy and for all of you non-Christians, stop posting ohkay?!

    It's labeled Christians, so if you don't like what she's doing then stop posting. Please? If she's going through a hard time, and she's looking for help, don't bash her beliefs or what she wants to do. That'll only make it worse for her. What good are you doing by bashing on a Christian?

    Alexa, I hope you get through to her. Let us know how it works out!

    God Bless!

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