
Christians: If I gave you a gift and told you that if you didnt like it I was going to burn you, is that FAIR?

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Christians: If I gave you a gift and told you that if you didnt like it I was going to burn you, is that FAIR?




  1. not sure i understand the question you may want to elaborate.

  2. What? Is this question for real? Sounds like someone has control issues or a mental problem.

  3. If I told you that you're already going to burn but I provided a way out, Is THAT fair?

  4. lol no its not

  5. Non Christian, if I told you that you were going to burn because you were born with a sinful nature would that be "fair"? Deserving maybe but that is not how it is. God in His love gave us the opportunity to escape the punishment for our sins, He took our place on the cross for our sins. He tells us in His word "for it is by grace you are saved through faith and not that of yourself, it is the gift of God and not by works or we would boast about it". You see it is by God's grace we can be saved and our part is the faith to believe in God and that Christ can save us from our sins. He does'nt want us to go to h**l for our sins that is why He has given us the right to choose. Pretty simple but man so often wants to mess it up and make it complicated. God is not obligated to save us, we are the ones that messed up but God knows our weakness and provides a way. (read the book of John in the NT)

  6. Isn't that funny that Christians say"accept the gift Jesus gave you, but if you don't ...well , then there is h**l for you".

    What gift? It is an ultimatum. I have never heard of a gift you did not want and consequently you got tortured forever over it.

    Christians are funny with their silly mythology.

  7. absolutely not! because if you giving a gift, be it anything you are giving it with great love. so how could one not like? and even if the person does not like it how could one burn him?

    it is against democracy and of course against Christianity because it does teach to harm others!!!!! isn't that a fact????

  8. What's fair? Obviously not. But clearly you think Christians believe that God is going to make people burn - at least that's the only thing I can derive from your question as it's aimed at Christians.

    I don't believe in h**l and I don't think you will burn. And I don't think that if I didn't like your gift I would burn either - but I don't imagine you'll be giving me a gift any time soon....

  9. If you were God and you created me , and I chose not to accept you r gift of Salvation,YES that would be fair. But sorry I already accepted that Gift. Matthew 24, are you one to try to deceive , were are in the times of Jesus prophecy, of the end of days the taking of the church is soon, Did you except the gift, or are you going to stay the 7 years of tribulations wishing you should of took the easy way with us???Matthew 25 (definition of the rapture in a more visual tense). Ang in a more life Question I don't reacall dening any gifts from anyone. God Bless, My prayers are out to the ones who deny the gift

  10. You aren't god, so I guess they wouldn't think so... they kind of act like an over-doting parent with their god, saying 'Seriously officer, he can't do any wrong.  There's a perfectly good reason he killed an entire planet.'

  11. "If you were a hardened criminal being sent to prison for the rest of your life because of your crimes, and I (the judge in your case), offered to suspend the penalty and grant you an unmerited and undeserved pardon, and you reject it, is it fair for me (the judge) to send you (the criminal) to prison?


    But on the other hand  there is no obligation for the hardened criminal to stop living a life of crime in that anology.

  12. It's certainly fair when you CONSIDER THIS FACT:

    your SIN is very real to GOD: and He will punish that sin EITHER in His Son {as The Lamb of GOD}, .. or *you* because you REJECTED the mercy and grace of forgiveness IN CHRIST.

    THAT is completely and TOTALLY fair.

    *See: John 3:36 *

  13. If I put a piece of fruit on my table and told my child not to eat it, then he did. Should he be punished forever?

  14. First, what makes you so sure you would literally burn anywhere?

    Second, God is giving people the gift of eternal life with him. Now, if people would rather not have that, then God isn't going to force them.

    Now, if you gave me a gift that would stop me from 'burning', and I didn't like it and rejected your gift, what would happen to me?

    If you don't like the gift and reject it, then there are consequences.

  15. No, but you didn't give me life either.

  16. Please don't ever assume we don't know what blackmail is.  Religion, my dear kitty, is not a blackmail operation.  If it were, don't you think we have not scurried away like your cat when it sees the neighbor's bulldog?  Common sense is not the exclusive property of atheists, perhaps cat sense.

  17. What if I said that if I saw you chuck it out, I'll punch you in the face.  You don't have to accept it, and you don't have to worry.  You'll just not have the gift.

  18. Love demands a response

  19. The gift is something we didn't deserve to have in the first place, we are already condemned by sin. h**l is apportioned to all of us. Those who will accept this gift are grateful for recieving that which we didn't deserve to begin with. If you live your life deciding for yourself that your behaviors are not sinful, then the benefit of this gift is of no importance to you.

  20. If this burning you speak of is h**l, no it wouldn't be fair and it also has no basis in scripture.  

  21. No, it's not. h**l isn't what most people believe it to be. When translated, it literally means "grave" or "pit", not a place of eternal torment. Why would a loving God do that in the first place? I'd say that those who believe that God punishes people in a place of fiery torment forever believes in a pretty cruel God. That ISN'T the God of the Bible.

  22. no that's not fair.  

  23. no, but then your not God either.

  24. No one did that.  

    Even if you do not believe in God, nothing about life is fair, is it?

    Everything God gives us is good.  If you don't believe, cool.  Just do the rest of us who do the courtesy of accepting our beliefs and stop trying to convert us to your way of thinking.

  25. "It is fair because god is our creator and we would not be here for him to torture if it was not for him.  It is your freewill that sends you to h**l, not god for putting you in that situation to begin with.  I believe you are taking the whole thing out of context.  god still loves you even after he tosses you into that lake of fire"---Christian response

  26. Of course not.

    But I would draw the analogy slightly differently.

    If you were trapped in a house that was on fire and my gift to you was to send in a fireman with the tools and ability to rescue you.

    In this scenario:

    You will burn if I do nothing.

    You will burn if you refuse the gift of help.

    You will be saved if you accept my gift.

    That is how I would draw the analogy of Christianity.

  27. After finding enough evidence to convict you for a serious and heinous crime, if a judge sentenced you to death (a fitting punishment for your vile crime), but offered you a full pardon which you refused, would it be FAIR for that judge to continue sentencing you to death?

    The wages of sin is death. All are guilty of sin. (Romans 3:23, 6:23)

    We are all guilty of sin and thus we all deserve death. Death is not just the physical aspect where the heart stops beating, but the ultimate spiritual aspect which is eternal banishment from God. We all deserve to be banished from God for eternity because we are guilty of sin. Yet God offers a pardon to those who follow Him. Those who refuse His pardon in Jesus Christ are still sentenced to death, nothing has changed. Therefore it is absolutely fair for God to punish every sinner and condemn them to the lake of fire.

  28. You're asking the wrong question.  You're just tearing down straw men because the analogy isn't comparable.

    Rather, ask it like THIS:

    If you were a hardened criminal being sent to prison for the rest of your life because of your crimes, and I (the judge in your case), offered to suspend the penalty and grant you an unmerited and undeserved pardon, and you reject it, is it fair for me (the judge) to send you (the criminal) to prison?

    THAT is the proper parallel question!  The free gift is an undeserved pardon for crimes WE have committed, and we already deserve the punishment (h**l - solitary confinement forever - the total absence of all that is good!).  God doesn't send us to h**l for rejecting the offer to pardon us - the pardon is a "get-out-of-h**l free" card!

    Next time, get your facts straight if you want to mock and criticize something that you OBVIOUSLY no absolutely NOTHING about!

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