
Christians: If god told you the bible was a lie, would you still practice Christianity?

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lets say god spoke to you somehow and told you everything you know about religion is a lie, but didn't tell you what the actual truth was(just said the bible is a lie), would you still go on about your life and practice christianity, simply because you've been doing it for so long? or would you throw away all your bibles and never practice christianity again? and if so what would you believe in knowing that the bible was all just a big lie?




  1. God doesn't swing that way, Christianity isn't religion to us.

  2. It is not in His Nature to lie anyway. (It would be impossible.)

  3. they would,poor fools

    if god is all powerfull and all that bullshit then it would be posible for him to lie unless he is not all powerfull

    to the girl above me

  4. I'm a Christian. My denomination doesn't teach Biblical literalism to begin with. My faith wouldn't be destroyed by somebody (even God Himself) saying that the Bible was a collection of fairy tales and botched translations. However, if the news really did come from the Almighty, and He relayed more than a simple statement that the Bible is a lie, I'd certainly listen. If it seemed that there was nothing left to cling to, and Christianity was nothing but a tissue of lies, I would be forced to examine other options (excluding atheism, since God presumably spoke to me). I'd want to know why I wasn't told what the correct answer was. If Christianity were revealed as being false, then I'd obviously want to know what is true.

  5. It's amazing how many people answer with "God would not lie". Who said anything about His lying? Perhaps the Bible is not God's word, and He finally decides to correct that misinformation. He's still telling the truth, but what you thought you knew was the lie, not God's word.

    Anyway, as an atheist, I can't really answer this question. But I can answer the reciprocal question, "If God told me the Bible was the Truth, would I believe in it and practice Christianity?" That's a tough question, though, because it assumes I believe it's God talking to me.

    Of course, in reality, I'd probably need some serious proof that it's God talking and not a person, a schizophrenic voice, or (even) an extraterrestrial. But if the only explanation was God, then yes, I probably would follow many parts of Christianity. Except the worshipping thing. I'd respect God and trust Him, but worshipping is a sign of fear, not respect. And I don't think an all-loving God would really want us to fear Him more than respect Him.

    -IMP ;) :)  

  6. I have a follow-up Q.

    What if God told you that He didn't exist and believing in Him would send you to h**l?

  7. God is not going to tell me a lie

  8. if this was so i dont think one can simply throw away their whole way of life,but then again you can never how a person would react hearing something like that.i think they may even go crazy.

  9. I'd still practice christianity because nothing but good comes from good-- and in my point of view it would just be a test of faith...

    God bless!


  10. I have asked believers this exact question and they always turn it around by asking: if you (as a non Christian) found out that the bible was absolutely true, would you become a Christian?

    The answer is NO for both, we all believe what we perceive as truth, not what is true.

  11. YES, I would continue my Christian faith walk based on biblical principals, because I KNOW, that the "god" that was talking at that time was NOT the TRUE and LIVING GOD and as the BIble teaches, as a Christian we are to AVOID the foolishness of these kinds of  questions  

  12. The fact is, God would never appear to anyone in a form which would be recognized that would be believed as being God saying that.  Therefore, it is not possible.  And, God would not do it.  

    God will not take away your sacred scriptures or deny you hope.

    And anyone who supposes God would do so, is supposing not correct.

  13. Why is it that God can never be blamed for any wrong doing? With all the chaos in the world, and death in third world countries? That's not the work of the devil... It seems to me that the devil is a scapegoat for God's imperfections. How convenient...  

  14. Actually, "religion" is a lie. The truth is in the bible. Christ pretty much said as much when he spoke about the Pharisees. What matters is not how you look on the outside (the rituals, laws and posturing), but what you are on the inside (the spirit).

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