
Christians: If it were up to you, would you let me (and other atheists) into heaven?

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I'm a pretty good person, charitable, kind, helpful. I pay my bills on time. I call my mom at least twice a month. I'm a lover, not a fighter.

In my opinion, there's no good reason to believe in any sort of god and I think people that do are a little nuts.

So, based on what you know from me, would you let me in?




  1. If you are addressing Christians about heaven then you are referring to God's heaven.

    You deny God exists, therefore you must deny His heaven exists.

    No need for you to bother Christians with your problem over the heaven that they did not create.

  2. Based upon what you say, I would have no problem allowing you in. Heaven is such though that one has to come properly equipped to enjoy it. The basic equipment that is required is that one have an honest, sincere and educated conscience. Deliberate ignorance towards one's conscience could leave one ill prepared for heaven. However, all this is not up to me. This is between you and God and only He can judge you in these matters.  

  3. I can't imagine because I think I'd wonder why an atheist would even want to be there.

    This reminds me of coming to a party - uninvited - and unrealistically expecting to have a good time.

    I'm happy with God doing the judging.

  4. No. Because you were not created for me, you were created for God. God knows so much more about you than we could ever know here, so I trust His judgment a lot more than mine!

  5. With due respect, I can't accept whatever info you furnish me. I am visiting Langley next month. I will try to help.

    My pleasure. Stranger:))

  6. Why would you want to live forever with people like John Hagee, Ken Hovind, Jim Baker, and every murderer or rapist that said sorry in time?

  7. How happy would I be if I had to spend eternity with someone who thought I was "a little nuts"? lol

    Seriously, it's all about the love.  That part of you that is love lives on forever, so if you are as loving as you say, then you'll be there anyway.

    Oh, and call your mom more often, she deserves it :)

  8. Yeah! It wouldn't be a party without you guys!

  9. It is completely up to God. We have no say in the matter.

    But it is nice to hear you are a good person. I wish you well. And it is never to late to accept the Father.

  10. of course, if you helped others, we'll help you.

  11. listen.....doing good works DOES NOT get you into Heaven. only God's saving grace does. the ONLY way to get into heaven is trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. please...God is real....just give it a me. God doesn't show his apperance to people in the same way. it's not my choice to let you into Heaven or not. It's your choice. You can either ask forgivness of all of your sins to God, and get saved...or you could continue to be a atheist... and go to h**l for ever..and ever. God loves you very much!! He wants to save you from h**l!! please try going to a independant baptist church, and get saved! It will change your life. I swear. Let me ask you you believe in air???????? I didn't say wind..or anything else..I said air. Well, do you????? yeah.. you believe in air, everyone does, because they are breathing! You have faith in it. if you have faith in God it's the same thing. you don't see him, or hear him, but trust me, YOU FEEL HIM!!!!!!! KJV Bible.

    I just want to add another note... The Bible says the devil believes in God and trembles. The application with air or wind is the same. You can't see wind, but you can feel it. You know it is there. You can't see Jesus, but you know he is there. It is all about faith. If we have faith enough (even as a grain of mustard seed) it is enough. Jesus loves you and he wants to save you. All you have to do is believe, ask forgiveness of all your sins. We are naturally sinners. Then ask Jesus to save you. He will if you ask! You must be wondering a little to ask this question.

  12. Nah; that'd mean they'd have to let people like Dalai Lama and Gandhi in.

    Gandhi: I like your Christ.

    I do not like your Christians.

    Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.


  13. if i were up to me...i would do it the same way God does it..its about salvation. it wouldn't change a thing.

    if you said you're a good person and all..but why would i let someone who rejects me into my kingdom? is that fair to me? you reject me but you want me to let you in and if i don't..I'm unfair, sadistic, vengeful and so on?

  14. Who am I to decide? I'll let that up to the Almighty God, whom you've rejected, so you could goi to the h**l that you doubt exists.

  15. Romans 3

    9What shall we conclude then? Are we any better[b]? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. 10As it is written:

       "There is no one righteous, not even one;

        11there is no one who understands,

          no one who seeks God.

    12All have turned away,

          they have together become worthless;

       there is no one who does good,

          not even one."[c]  

  16. We don't get into heaven by doing good works or being nice people. We accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.

    It's up to you whether or not you get into Heaven.

    And if you were truly an atheist you wouldn't be asking about getting into heaven

  17. "why can't we all just get along"

    but as I've said before, I don't judge.

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