
Christians: If someone broke into your house....?

by  |  earlier

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molested your two sweet little children, then murdered them.

Then brutally murdered your husband in front of you.

Then gang raped you, beat you within an inch of your life.....

Then 3 weeks later you wake up in hospital after managing to survive..

would you still believe in god?

I know this question sounds harsh, but it unfortunately does happen to people. and i would just like you to tell me if something like this happened to you...would you still believe??




  1. Yes I would. I believe Him in the good times, the bad shouldn't change that.

  2. I'm not christian. Do you think that c**p like this hasn't happened from the beginning. Why would you quit believing. If no one said happy birthday to you would you quit believing you were born. Happens all the time.

    Do you know that we were put here to learn lessons. Yes some of them are harsh, but still a lesson. That's why they happen. So that we might learn.  

  3. would you still believe in god? <<==Yes; just vexed with trauma.

    "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." (Rom 12:19)

  4. I have been to war, seen my friends killed, still love Jesus`

  5. It is because of these terrible things that I believe in God.There must be hope for suffering.

  6. Horrible things happen all around the world every day, even to Christians. God never promised we would be exempt from having horrible things happen to us. Quite the contrary:

    Jhn 16:33   These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    Horrible things happening to Christians doesn't prove the non-existence of God. Nothing can.

  7. I'm sure i would feel upset but nothing in that experience denies god's existance. The person who did that is obviously hurting with a mental illness or drug addiction, but it is called free will for a reason. If it's possible it does happen and it's possible to get murdered and raped, just unfortunate that it does happen at the hands of disturbed, and ignorant individuals. After that experience the last thing i'd want to do is let that person's doubt and faithlessness become me. Being strong means keeping faith and showing love not murdering or causing physical harm, that's why people are more than flesh and bone.

  8. Some do but none of us would know unless we faced it and I pray we never do. But I have to say I have faced several painful situations and my faith remains.

  9. Yeah, I would.  My life hasn't been perfect.  Far from it.  You have no idea the things I've been through.  I still believe in God.


    1.  I have no children.  However, if mine were killed (heaven forbid) before a certain age, they would go to heaven.  My husband is a FORMER atheist.  He would also be going to heaven.

    2.  If a person did all that, and then sincerely repented, while serving out their time in prison, I would be happy to see them in heaven.  We're supposed to forgive those who wrong us.  I've been wronged in more ways than many of you could possibly imagine.  I would be happy to see those who have hurt me in heaven.  I've forgiven them, and it would be wonderful if they asked God for forgiveness, too.

  10. Oh my gosh that doesn't even......NOTHING is and never will 'stop' me from believing!!! =)

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