
Christians: Is God love?

by Guest59261  |  earlier

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from what I remember love covers a multitude of sin. It is my understanding that Jesus who is love, covered (past tense) a multitude of sin (all sin) not just certain ones Right? so sin is covered by God right? why then do most keep uncovering it with their own judgment? what does the bible say about judging one another? Wasn't it Jesus Who said He didn't come to judge the world but to save the world? sometimes I think He came to save us from the ones who judge as if they are God ... after all it is with Jesus that there is no condemnation... I will stick wit Him thanks




  1. NO GOD! NO GOD!

  2. 1Jo 4:7   Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  

    1Jo 4:8   But anyone who does not love does not know God-for God is love.  

  3. Is love god?

  4. Well, you are right. God is Love. He loves you enough to send His only Son to die for you on the cross, to save you from YOUR sins. Not just one, not just a few, but all of them. However, God will not offer you this GIFT of Savlation unless you repent of those sins and accept Jesus Christ into your heart. Repenting means turning away from your sins.

    And the judging part, noone's uncovering your sin. Your sin will always be uncovered until you repent. The Bible says, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "

    I do not judge by my own standards, but God's standards. And as a redeemed Christian, I am seen as pure in God's standards.

  5. Love is a part of God but God is not JUST love

    HE is the UNIVERSE< and everything in it> basically, really he is the multiverse and JEsus is the universe

  6. God is Love.

  7. God is not love. Love is an emotion.

  8. Galations 5:14

    For all the law is fulfilled in ONE WORD, even in this;

    Thou shalt LOVE thy neighbour as thyself.

    Romans 13:10

    Love worketh no ill to his neighbour:

    therefore LOVE is the fulfilling of the law.

    Romans 13:8

    Owe no man any thing, but to LOVE one another:

    for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

    James 2:8

    If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture,

    Thou shalt LOVE thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

  9. yes he is!!

  10. There is no one good but God...

    God is absolute love!

    Praise be to God!

    with love...."D"

  11. Yes! While Christians affirm unequivocally that God is essentially good and loving, it must be emphasized that complementary to these attributes is the characteristic of justice. A loving being that ignored evil or that treated bad acts and good acts equally would not be good. Hence, if God is good, then God is also just - he must treat evil as evil. So, if any creatures merited the existence of h**l, then God could remain essentially good and loving by giving them justice, even if that means sending some creatures end up in h**l.

    Another misconception has to do with how one is "sent" to h**l. Often objectors claim that God randomly picks people to be damned as if on a whim. Additionally, they envision that the one sent to h**l is absolutely innocent in the matter and had nothing to do with the outcome. On the contrary, Christians have long held that h**l is a choice that is made by the one who arrives there (e.g., in Matt. 7:13-14 Jesus says those who choose the broad path walk to destruction). Essentially, then, God does not send people to h**l. Rather, people in essence, send themselves.

    A final misconception about h**l is that it is a place of physical torment and torture. Rather, most Christians have understood these descriptions to capture symbolically that h**l is final and utter separation from God's saving grace. Some Christians, like C. S. Lewis, take h**l to be a real place where sinful people make themselves miserable. Similarly, thinking of heaven as a place of hedonistic pleasures is wrongheaded as well. In fact, those who choose h**l would not enjoy the pleasures of heaven since those pleasures essentially flow from a right relationship with God.

    While God desires that everyone would choose to love Him, some people will choose not to. These people will die in their sins and be separated from God forever. God loves us so much that He respects our freedom of choice. If we choose not to love Him, then why would He want to force us to live with Him eternally in heaven? Wouldn't living for eternity with someone we don't love be h**l anyway? Would that be love?

  12. God is love.

    Love is blind.

    Stevie Wonder is blind.

    Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  13. Yes.

    "All God wants of you is for you to go out of yourself in respect of your creatureliness and let God be God in you." Meister Eckhart

    God love you!

  14. Yes, God is Love.  He is also Just, Righteous, Jealous, Vengeful and Faithful.  He is also demanding.  It is His way or the highway.  Jesus said that the Word (Bible) will judge.  He told us that we are to judge, but to make sure that when we judge, we are to not have the same sin.  Love does not cover sins.  Blood covers sins.  Because Christ shed His blood, we can be saved from our sins, but we can sin no more.  Homosexuality or anything else is a sin and must be stopped before receiving forgiveness of that sin.  

    I am afraid that you have taken what people have said and a few scriptures to use as a basis of wrong thinking.  God is very judgmental. He judged the world and flooded it.  He judged Israel many times and sent other nations to put them in slavery.  He will judge us in the future on judgment day.

  15. if god is love then a p***s is a v****a

  16. We are called to judge. We are to discern between right and wrong, good and evil. We are called for righteous judgment. How do we know what sin is? God told us. Then he calls us to love others. It is love to correct, not judge the person.  

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