
Christians: Is Sarah Palin a prophet, who knows the mind of god?

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Or is she just manipulating the religious masses by claiming to know that God wants a $30B gas pipeline?

I'm really interested in your thoughts on this matter.





  1. If there was a God it would not be using a spokesperson.

  2. hey Buddy R, how do you know what kind of person she is?

  3. She's like a breath of fresh air, and so attractive.

  4. Drill republicans, drill drill drill! Squeeze that sand! Blast those mountains! The new boom is upon us! Oh yes, and don't forget John's catchy, "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."

  5. We do know she is either a liar or pretty stupid, because we have fact-checked her speech and about 85% of it was absolutely wrong---and McCain's speech about her was even worse.

    So yeah, being a liar and stupid, she could make a very good 20th century American evangelical TV prophet.

    And since she doesn't believe in science, and since she thinks war is a mission from God, I suspect she's create new catastrophes for America-- a perfect scenario in which to ask for God's help.

  6. She also knew that God wanted the U.S. to go to Iraq.  Must be nice to have that much insight.

  7. Of course

  8. Wow! Glad you asked!

    She never said that.

    Why do you claim to know the mind of Christians?

    Palin is the best!

    God love you!

  9. She knows the good that the revenues from the pipeline, and how it will help the people of Alaska.  

    Obama speaks to the group he is with.  After all, there is Scranton and San Francisco.  

    There is very little different between these two politicians in their approach to speaking to a group.  They pander.

  10. h**l No!!  She is not a prophet!

    Excuse my language.

  11. No, she is an honest person fighting for what is good. She will fight for the rights of babies to live why Obama fights for to kill them. Obama voted 4 times to deny medical aid to babies who survive the attempted murder of induced labor abortion.

    And yeah, we should drill here and drill now. The Dem terrorits are holding America hostage, not letting us use our natural resources because they are subservient to radical environmentalists who think a moose has more rights than a human being.

  12. Use extreme caution and beware of "anyone" claiming to know the mind of God....  

    History has shown everyone how dangerous claiming to know the mind of God can be.  Only the weak minded, no offense to anyone, will follow someone who makes such claims.  There are several examples in this same path that have ended in tragedy.

  13. You've answered your own question.

    As a believer, I strongly doubt God would speak through ANY politician.

    She is a politician, and as such, she is a manipulator of some sort.

  14. She's full of c**p and using God to her advantage.

  15. She doesn't have to be a prophet to know God's mind on this matter -- all she has to do is read the Bible, which she clearly has done.

    An article linked to the blog posting you mentioned in your question reads, in part:

    "Speaking before the Pentecostal church, Palin painted the current war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord.

    "Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan." "

    What Mrs. Palin is referring to is the eventual rebuilding of Babylon within Iraq, as described within the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation.  BOTH sources tell us that this New Babylon will be a city of incredible wealth and influence.  Revelation tells us that, right before the return of Christ, New Babylon is completely destroyed, as prophesied within the Old Testament.  (In fact, if you read the OT references to the destruction of Babylon, you'll see that the prophesy has never been fully carried out -- God states He will destroy the city so no one ever lives in it again.  While Babylon was taken over by the Assyrians, it was never destroyed and, to this day, people still live there!)

    But before this city could be rebuilt, Iraq had to undergo political and economic change, due to the oppressive Hussein regieme.  It's obvious this is what Mrs. Palin was referring to when she stated that the Iraq war is "a task from God."  Now that Iraq is earning billions of dollars in oil money, and has just signed an agreement with China, it appears there will be plenty of money to rebuild.  And the city they rebuild will be Babylon -- the Bible tells us that.

    And as for the oil pipeline, it appears Mrs. Palin has concluded that God still wishes economic prosperity for America.

  16. Maybe it is part of God's will.  He gave us resources to use and we are more worried about endangered species than doing what it takes to use the resources that we have.  If it takes a pipeline to use what God intended for us to use, what is the problem?

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