
Christians: Love Question?

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If people are not Christians, is it possible for them to love people as much as Christians who have experienced the true love of God?




  1. The Greek Word for this type of love is attributed only to God. He in turn fills believers with that sacrificial, unconditional love through His Holy Spirit. Therefore my answer would have to be no.

  2. The most romantic stories are those

    of homosexuals.

  3. what?  what a stupid question.  if Christians really experiance this 'true love' then why are so many so violent?  

  4. Yes because  all Love comes from God.

  5. Of course. Not even all Christians love like that. A lot now-a-days are just hypocrites. But some are really great people. But I know some other non-Christian people who are just soo awesome

  6. Well.. I don't believe that those who disagree with me on are going to burn in an eternal hellfire, so I think so.

  7. naturally they can love just as much..........& some hate more ..........Christians are just normal human beings.......they are not perfect, & will make many mistakes & sin...........the only some may try not to sin.....a dirty thought a sin..saying d**n a sin any swear word anger etc jealousy any thing like thats a there ya ya know lol

  8. What I want to know is why you think this would not be the case. What about Buddhists, Muslims, Wiccans etc. Do you think they are incapable of loving somone as much as a Christian...?

  9. yes it does because God is love and God dwells within all followers of Christ, it also appears from the people answering your question that many don't know what love is and I urge them to accept Christ into their  lives.

  10. Yes it is possible for a non christian to to love just as much as any christian.  

  11. Well this seems condescending now doesn't it? So because we don't accept your doctrine somehow we all less loving or human than you?  Great bit of logic there...

  12. Does that include the Spanish inquisitors who would burn you at the stake if you did not believe in christ.  

  13. Are you for real??? God does not exist. That is just a huge con by church to fill their pockets and to try and keep the people in line through fear of what will happen in the afterlife, will be why they start war after war after war all in the name of the Almighty. People who do not have the burden of faith are free to love as they see fit. Men loving men, women loving woman and all of whom can eat meat on a Friday. Belief in God does not free you it binds you.  

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