
Christians.. Read the details..?

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1. Did God create sin? - 3 points

2. If God created sin, why? - 5 points

3. Why does the Catholic think their church is the first? - 2





  1. #1- No,

    God created good.......sin is simply a state where God is not present...just as darkness doesn't exist , it is just the absence of light.

    #2 God created the tree of life with the option of mans free will to choose.

    Sin in man can only exist if there is no presence of God.

    #3  Only Catholics think this...which of course isn't true...

    actually the Jewish Temples were first, then Christianity from the Apostles and if you read in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts, it shows us Jesus didn't like the way the High priest taught religion over a relationship with Christ.

    If  you read back in history the Catholic church killed anyone that didn't accept their beliefs, especially the Jewish people, this is why we have America today, because the people wanted to believe in the Bible and not just the way the Catholic churches taught and the people came here to have freedom of religion.

    Additional Answer: Satan because of pride wanted to be greater than God, he was cast down to earth, when Eve was tempted and gave to Adam from the tree of life, sin came into the world by satan, which brought sin into man.

    Goosenat...No, the Jewish people were the ones that had the scrolls first, the Catholic church back then actually tried to destroy the Bible, they even burnt people at the stakes for having the Bible.

    Read the history of who actually put the Bible together.

  2. No. God did not create sin. Mankind was tempted by Satan, and fell into sin. I don't fully understand why God allowed Adam and Eve to disobey, but He had a perfect plan. He knows what's going to happen in the future, and He knew the Sacrifice His Son would make to save us all. We have to believe and trust in Him.

    And, all I can say about the Catholics is that they are very sure of themselves, and think they have all the answers. Some of them are true Christians, but most believe Mary is the hero, and that is blinding them into arrogance.

  3. 1.) God created the possibility for sin

    2.) Well love requires freewill, and therefore to grant us freedom he allowed sin.

    3.) Because the Catholics are proud. Jesus Christ started the church after his resurrection from the dead in 33AD.

  4. 1.) He made everything. (Yes)

    2.) Freewill. He made light, and the absense of light.

    3.) I dunno... Human nature?(I am "protestant" look it up :)

  5. 1. No

    2. Adam & Eve created sin Listening to Satan

    3. Cause they Believe Peter was the foundation of the church refer to the "Rock"

    But Jesus meant in general On this rock i will build a church not made by hands. Jesus really mean Our body which is a Holy Temple to be Built on a Rock so we can have a solid foundation on the word of God. Not an actual church building or Pope.

  6. 1. No. Free will. Began with Adam and Eve.

    2. -

    3. I don't know. They just say it. But they are missing the essence. They need to focus on Jesus Christ alone.

  7. 1. God gave freewill- freewill gives the CHOICE of sin, to disobey God. God did NOT CREATE sin.

    2- see Q1

    3. Because they think Peter s the rock and NOT Jesus.

  8. 1. well, sort of... as God is good. and because there is good it creates evil, just like light creates darkness and heat creates cold... so basically evil is the absence of God.

    2. same reason light creates darkness and heat creates cold

    3. because they claim the apostle Peter was the first Pope

  9. 1. God created man, not sin; man created sin/ Sin was created when Satan tempted Eve to eat from the tree of life (then Eve temped Adam), when God CLEARLY told her and Adam both not to eat from that tree. Their punishment was that women would endure a much more painful child birth than God had intended and that Humans would eventually die. (God originally made us to be eternal too, but when we chose for sin to enter our lives, we inevitably chose a limited lifespan)

    2. *See above*

    3. (I believe) they were the first organized church, and the first church to actually put together one book of all the books that many Christ followers around the world read.

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