
Christians WWJD about universal healthcare?

by  |  earlier

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Ok Christians, a followup of my last question to you. Would your jesus want you to support the political party promising universal health care?




  1. Well I'm no christian but you make an obvious point that seems to have escaped the Christians here.

  2. I don't know what your last question was. I support anyone in favor of health care, but universal health care has more potential problems than it has potential answers. If you put one organization in charge of health care, then if that organization decides to cut corners, and provide worse health care, we would end up with a lot of sick, and even dead people. It is just too dangerous.

  3. He wouldnt have gotten involved in politics.

    Jesus never said that charity should be forced by the gvt or that the people had put their trust or their health into the hands of their gvts.

  4. Every question you ask is further evidence of your ignorance.

    Jesus is not mine.

    Jesus did not promote government programs, he preached individual giving.

    I'm not a Christian, I just think you are one who has a lot to learn (try reading a book not by someone pushing a leftist agenda).

  5. Are you asking if Jesus of Nazareth would support the government's robbing its citizens of their hard-earned wages in order to force on them what is likely to be a medical system inferior to the present one?


  6. No, Jesus was not into universal healthcare, he was more for a fee for service with a private insurance plan, with adders and co-pays. He kind of cried when we went health maintenance (HMO).  

  7. be against it...God wants us to give out of our hearts because we choose to...not be forced to...that is why He gave us freewill...

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