
Christians: What if the rapture already happened and you didn't notice because god only took 42 people?

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Christians: What if the rapture already happened and you didn't notice because god only took 42 people?




  1. Hey, don't blame ME.  I tried to shout and tell everyone hallelujah when I was lifted up, but nobody paid any attention!

  2. Maybe he took 100,000 and the JWs were right.

    Not likely, but still.

  3. It's sort of nice when they bring their own hoops to jump through.

  4. LOL! That's a funny question. but, trust me if God came back you'd know... Why do I say this? Well, because the bible says that the world will be given totally to the devil. I'm gonna tell u now, the devil don't like you or anyone else with the likeness of God so, satan at this very moment would have u going through a TASTE of h**l. The reason I say taste is because there's nothing on earth that could be an experience of h**l.

  5. HA! That is so funny. I wonder how many Christians would be mean because they didn't have the invisible man to worry about anymore.

  6. I haven't see Christ coming in the clouds yet, have you?

    Tribulation hasn't even started. These times are just the beginnings of sorrow.

  7. All the ones with bumper stickers reading "In case of Rapture, this car will be unmanned" will simply duck down in the seats so we won't know...

  8. Wasn't he supposed to burn the rest of us in the process?

  9. More than possible.

    If Rapture theology is true, then only the 'real' Christians will be yoinked up.  And as we all know Everyone of the 20,000 Christian denominations claims to have the 'truth'

  10. So that's what happened to Amelia Erhart and Jimmy Hoffa.

  11. I would giggle

  12. They will become Atheists. I did.

  13. It didn't happen because I happen to have a REALATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ.

  14. than it'll be okay i suppose for 3and a half years than we gotta worry. sorry to tell you though the dead would rise and his saintified saints go with him for they will be the second coming of  Christ so we wouldnt miss the rapture and every eye will see anyway even though he will come like a thief in the night....pray that you are counted worthy to escape the h**l and damnation upon this earth

  15. i think its very possible.

    we may nopt of even been alive when he came to do so...

    with the way people are these days.. and how jugdementel... these wonderful christains are... i wouldnt be surprised... god what real people who follow him and his beliefs..

  16. I'd notice if I was one of the 42 people . . . especially if I was eating at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe at the time of the rapture.

  17. 42. giggle. I get it.

  18. He wouldn't do that

    We would know if it had already happened, because the Earth wouldn't be the same. Satan would have taken over. I know I'm going to go to Heaven when Jesus returns. He would not leave His obediant followers.

  19. They really have no idea...

    Christians always think THEY are the ones who will be going while a large portion of others will be forsaken. It's funny how EVERY Christian thinks this way though.

  20. Would it matter?  It's not my call.  But I'd rather hold on for hope.

    Hope this helps!

    Good luck, and may God continue to shine on you.


  21. Why 42, why not 58?  We would not even be here to talk about, but, destroyed.

    2Th 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

  22. didn't happen yet, won't be 42 people. read again

  23. This is false. All the signs of the rature to come has not been fulfilled so it's impossible that it came already.  

  24. What if, what if.  Ok - I like "what if" games as much as the next guy.  Now it's MY turn.

    What if you were to actually ask a realistic question to actually LEARN something for a change, would we all die of shock?

    Sorry, but I deal in reality.  If you want to live in some make-believe virtual or pretend world, don't expect others to follow you.  I mean, you CAN stick your head in the sand like the ostrich, and thus avoid reality, but what for?  If you don't face reality NOW, later on it will bite you where it hurts!

  25. Pretty d**n funny!!

  26. Were you aware that the rapture concept is fairly new and therefore very should be questioned? Actually, there is a great deal Christians fool themselves into thinking they know. Almost as bad as many Atheists.

  27. read revelation. if the rapture did already happen thenthe tribulation would begin. and the world would be chaos (more than it already is).

  28. I'd be disappointed he didn't take more.

  29. Come to think of it I haven't seen the Amish around lately.

  30. But He didnt and it wont be funny to you when you are left behind!

  31. That would mean we are within the end times, when we all should be preparing for Jesus's 2d coming.  G-d knows, I don't have to, when exactly that will occur.

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