
Christians: What is your view on abortion if the woman was raped as a teen & is unable to care for the child?

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I asked this to a Christian once and he said that pregnancy via rape was uncommon because a certain amount of sexual pleasure was required in order for the sperm to fertilize the egg. I don't believe that what he said was accurate in the least, but I do want to know your opinions.

This question was by no means meant to be a personal attack against your religion. I would never do something like that. I'm really just curious.




  1. Abort it. What woman in their right mind wants a child that was created inside of them by the devil. Why not kill the rapist along with his child.

  2. sam? and as a christian i do not believe in abortion no matter what the excuse. and thank you for that last part :) very mature

  3. Okay, I think what your friend was referring to is something probably learned about in high school health classes. It's the idea that when a woman reaches her climax, the cervix spasms and sort of reaches out and "grabs" the sperm.

    Unfortunately, pregnancy via rape is far more common than your friend believes.

    Abortion, however, is still not a moral choice. It's still bad. In fact, many women who have been raped and have an abortion later report that they "felt raped all over again."

    The correct solution is counselling. The teen needs lots and lots of therapy, as well as prenatal care. She should be allowed to know she has other options, such as adoption, which is great. An open adoption allows the birth mother to choose the adoptive parents, and also to keep contact, if she wishes, with her child. In most cases, the adoptive parents will also pay for all of the birth mother's medical care.

    There is a lot of help out there for a teen girl who is pregnant, whether because she was raped or because she chose to have s*x.

    If she DOES have an abortion, studies show that she's 63% more likely to suffer from severe depression.

    Evidence of post-abortion trauma is increasingly attested to by psychologists, counselors and those involved in post-abortion ministry. We now know, for example, that women hurt by abortion may have some or many of the following symptoms:

    Low self-esteem

    Grief (mild to profound)

    Depression (sometimes to the point of suicidal thoughts and attempts)

    A sense of alienation from family and friends

    A feeling of being 'numb,' not able to feel joy from activities that used to be pleasurable

    Isolating self from others to avoid discussing the abortion experience with them

    Guilt and shame

    Difficulty concentrating

    Anger toward self, or the child's father, or others involved in the abortion decision

    Sleep disorders

    Abortion-related nightmares, flashbacks or even sounds of a baby crying

    Alcohol and drug problems, to dull the sorrow

    Desire for a 'replacement' baby

    Anniversary reactions of grief or depression on the date of the abortion or the baby's expected due date

    Problems bonding with her other children (being over-protective but emotionally distant)

    Fear that God will punish her, or is punishing her

    Some, especially young girls, experience symptoms soon after the abortion. Counselors tell us, however, that it is more common for the symptoms to occur over the course of five to twelve years after the abortion before a woman seeks help.

    Abortion's aftermath is largely ignored by the general public. Groups organized to protect the availability of abortion claim that abortion is no different from any surgical procedure and that pro-life groups are fabricating the existence of post-abortion suffering. Consequently, many women think that their grief reactions are somehow abnormal and believe that there is nowhere to turn for help.

    Here are some stories that let you know that grief after abortion, even after rape, is very real!

    The stories from Carol and Georgia are particularly illuminating where the rape case is concerned.

  4. the child can always be placed up for adoption.  There are hundreds if not thousands of couples who would love to adopt a newborn.

  5. my mom was date raped when she was a senior in high school. she still had my older brother and she loves him dearly. we all do. she went into the military soon after so that she could have medical insurance for her and her son and a place to live. the military helped her pay for her bachelors and her masters degree. she told me that she couldn't punish her child for someone elses foolishness. so it is possible to make a way out of no way.

    God forbid, if it were to happen to me, i would keep my child.

  6. If abortion is wrong, then it shouldn't matter how the child is conceived.  

  7. That is truly an ugly scenario. I would hope for adoption over abortion, because the baby committed no crime,and is still half from mama.  

  8. Murder doesn't solve the problem of rape.

    Rape is very very very bad.  

    Murder is worse.

    There are so many couples that want to adopt.  She should have the child, and give it for adoption, if she really decides that she doesn't want the child.

  9. If a woman is raped and gets pregnant(which does not require the victim to be "into it"), she should go through the pregnancy and give birth, then give up the child for adoption, especially if she can't support it.  No child would want to grow up knowing they came about from a rape. At the same time, rape is not an excuse to take the life of a fetus, even due to the circumstances.

    For all they know, this baby could be a gift to a couple who are looking to adopt. God was a way to take tragedies and turn them into good things.

  10. i am against it still, if she is unable to care for the baby... there is always adoption... shouldn't that child have a chance to live and grow? there are always other ways... and if she is unable to pay doctor bills there are agencies for that to

  11. Well, for one, I am not opposed to medical methods that prevent a fertilized egg from implanting itself in the womb in cases of rape or incest.  I think a woman that is raped and is willing to report it immediately should be given the right to prevent pregnancy.  If she chooses not to report the crime and later discovers she is pregnant, adoption is the appropriate choice.  

  12. I feel the woman should at least have the baby and then adopt it.  I know giving birth hurts but I mean dont kill it if there are other options to have it taken care of.

  13. I am for the government and others staying out of a family decision.

    As far as this is concerned, I was once talking to someone who believed that, too. It was an older woman. I didn't ask her if she meant rape, too. I've always wondered. A female o****m does help sperm to move up to the uterus, maybe that's where they got their misconception. It certainly isn't necessary to like it to get pregnant, though. Rape is the reason why we should have the morning after pill readily available. It would make abortions for this reason much less common.

  14. Adoption is always an option. And before you judge I have adopted and I also have my own child born of rape. Whoever said that is ignorant. There is no pleasure required to impregnate at least not for the female.

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