
Christians: What would you do if you had this roommate?

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I have a really closed-minded roommate who interrupts like crazy, but likes to debate. She's stubborn and kinda thinks she knows everything about issues or spirituality without backing it up at all. She sees everything as black and white when it could be both. I can't just leave her alone and only talk about shallow things, because she brings up other things. I'm a Christian so I feel like I should talk about it when it comes up to witness. But I don't feel like it and it does no good at all. It just makes me tired and she is really actually disrespectful of Christianity. She has us all in the box. I don't know...should I keep trying? Usually when I talk with someone who doesn't agree with me, we can meet somewhere in the middle or nicely agree to disagree. But everytime we talk about it, that never happens and it leaves us at an awkward impasse.

She talks, I hear her out. Then I start to say my points, but before I can fully get them out, she just keeps talking or finds a subtle way to leave the room. I'm not being rude or anything? Is this normal?

Oh God. And the election is coming up...

What would you guys do?




  1. Excuse yourself from any discussions.

    It is not your place to convert her to Christianity.   It is also not her place to break you from your religion.  

    It is a blatant lack of respect to try to do either.

    If you feel that your roomate cannot have a civil discussion on the subject, avoid it alltogether.  If she brings it up, invoke the old rule of "never discuss religion or politics"

  2. Sounds like she's being convicted by the Holy Spirit.  Keep telling her about Jesus and that the only way for her to be saved is by believing that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead  :)  

  3. Just tell her you're sick of going around in circles and don't discuss it with her.

  4. I preach to my room-mate and burn crosses in her but she keeps leaving the room! How can I hold her down?

  5. I'd say, when she tries to start a conversation, say something like, "I would be happy to listen to your beliefs, so long as you'll afford me the courtesy of listening to mine when you are done"

  6. its good that you are trying to witness but it also doesnt seem like you are being too pushy.

    i can pray for you if you want.

    i would give some space for a bit. if she doesnt want to hear thats her problem. god will give you the right moment.

  7. wow, youve got quite a situation, my mother is a christian and im an atheist, for a while this was what we were going through but now we agree to disagree. we just never bring up religion and beliefs. this girl is being incredibly selfish and stubborn. if i were you i would see if i could get a new roomate or dorm room.

    also, youve got to make her realise that there is no way either of you can be proven right or wrong and that she needs to respect your beliefs

  8. Pray for her and try to be sensitive to the spirit. Sometimes the less said from someone who simply walks in love towards you the better. Since you have suggested that she really doesn't want to hear you right now, actions can speak louder than words.

  9. Your mom is biased  

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