
Christians: When you ask atheists how it is possible for them to be moral without God, or why they're on R&S?

by Guest57187  |  earlier

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Do you ever actually read their responses? Because you seem to ask those questions a lot. Or do you read them, but you forget the answers after a few seconds or so?

Plus, will someone tell the Yamster to stop trying to categorize religious questions as "Hockey" questions?




  1. I think that part of the problem is that the atheists seem to have contradictory positions.  They say that morality is based upon society norms yet they later imply that morality is universal.  

    For example, the atheists freely criticize the morality displayed in the Old Testament as if current day morality should apply to a completely different society.  Logically, the atheist cannot criticize the morality of anyone other than themselves for we all are in at least slightly different societies.  

  2. No, I don't think they read the responses. Maybe they skim through them.  They have automated responses for everything. Most of the time they don't answer the actual question.

  3. Research shows that the reason humans struggle with emotion to find equitable solutions is pinpointed the region of the brain called the insular cortex, or insula, which is also the seat of emotional reactions.

    The fact that the brain has such a robust response to unfairness shows that sensing unfairness is a basic evolved capacity.

    The emotional response to unfairness pushes people from extreme inequity and drives them to be fair. This observation shows our basic impulse to be fair isn't a complicated thing that we learn.

    It therefore fully illustrates that all humans have morals controlled by the brain and that Christians are entirely wrong to try and claim morals as their own!!!!

    Christians claims to morals are very immoral since they have all been stolen from earlier societies and religions!

    Even the ten commandments were taken from earlier religions albeit the referred to different gods!!

  4. I see more atheists asking christians why they think atheists have no morals than christians actually asking that question.

    By a ratio of aboout 20 to 1

    I dont know any christian that actually thinks atheists dont have a moral center.

  5. Why do people get mad when I post answers in questions for atheists when they're questions for atheists is in the RELIGION section?

  6. They have a difficult time believing the truth.

    Also, Yamster stop trying to make religion into hockey.  Hockey is a true game but religion is based on fairy tales.

  7. I think  percent are mostly looking for people to agree with their bigoted viewpoint. I've seen some later that picked a fellow believer, who left a hateful answer, as best and left a comment like "that's right!"

  8. they are rhetorical questions, the asker has no interest in the answers, just to stating their opinion in the form of a question

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