
Christians: When you ask or answer a question on this forum, do you give your words the WWJD litmus test?

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Schneb: Good point. Well made. WWJA it is.




  1. The whole WWJD bandwagon was a good concept, but a bad idea in action. No one can put themselves to the level of Jesus. What would Jesus do? He wouldn't even be asking becasue the negative alternative action wouldn't even be in the picture.

  2. No, and I don't think it's necessarily a requirement to do so.  

    Even asking myself that question -- the answer is still going to be informed by my personal biases, my education, my life experience and my own expression of my spirituality and what I believe about the Bible.

    What I mean is -- if 10 Christians asked that question about any particular situation, you would have 10 different answers as to what Jesus would do.

  3. what wouldn't jesus do? It seems like he liked to rebel, I'm sure there isn't too much he wouldn't do.

  4. I myself have a quick temper and a sharp tongue (figuratively speaking!) I do believe that God has actually used R&S to teach me how to moderate my responses a little better. And I am learning to rein in a regrettable tendency to sarcasm, or at least use it less ruthlessly. If a question makes me too angry to answer civilly, I just ignore it and go on, without dignifying it with a response. The point you make is very true.

    Bonsai Bobby: in my quest to be a kinder, gentler answerer, you are my hero! Thanks for the example.

          ((Plus I do love MST3K))

  5. I like to recall the even Jesus chased the money changers from the temple.

    correct I am not He, but you asked the WWJD question, that is what He did so it must be considered.

  6. No.

  7. I don't think Jesus did Litmus.

  8. I make sure It's non offensive yes...  

  9. Wouldn't it be more WWJA?

  10. I have certainly not graduated past any semblance of human frailty and as such,may inadvertently answer with error or in a less than Christ-like manner,at times...It is my purpose however,to share the knowledge of my faith in the love of Jesus Christ and in the ever mindful knowledge that one day I will give an account for both word and deed...It is never my intention to purposefully deceive or misrepresent the Word of God,in doctrine or in the manner that I share it....As previously stated,I am not beyond reproach and further am open to rebuke or correction,when and if I am in error...

    (((Amalthea)))..God Bless You and thank you for the kind words,sister..

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