
Christians; Why is Obama so anti-Christian?

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If i post the links e-mailed to me my question will most likely be deleted, sorry.




  1. Anyone who believes it's ok to murder unborn children and babies who are born is anti-Christian/anti God.

  2. I saw him in a picture where he did not have his hand on his hart when others said the pledge of allegiance. That picture tells me that he does not love this country like President should and there is something fishy about his Christianity. He made fun of the Bible too in one of his earlier speeches

  3. who cares if he is anti-any religion?  he isn't running for pastor, he's running for president.  is that so hard to understand?  religion has no place in public office.

  4. He's not anti-Christian, he's a liberal Christian. John Mccain belongs to the Episcopal Church which is about as liberal (most of them anyway) as the United Church of Christ.

    It's really a race between two liberal Senators, so I'm voting for the one that gives people in my income level a break ( less than $5 million)  

  5. Yeah- and he said in public- "I can not disown Rev Wright". This speaks all about who Obama really is. Yet he claims to be a Chrsitian???

    Why do so many fall for him?  

  6. ... I didn't know a Christian could hate his own religion.

  7. He's supposed to be a Christian, but I think it's a fraud and he's really a Muslim. His "Christian" church probably is a Ford Foundation project with the intent of creating racism preaching hatred of whites and hatred of white Christianity. So in that respect, he is anti-Christian, only the whites who are Christian.

  8. Check those links or e-mails on or  I'm betting they'll show up as "False."

  9. have you seen any of the anti-christian media from the last two years that has been floating on him?

  10. Um... Links in chain-mail style email forwards are rarely reliable...

    I don't know which ones you are specifically talking about but if they are not links to VIDEO OF OBAMA saying something anti-Christian then I wouldn't believe them...

    Don't get me wrong... I HATE Obama because he is already an Absentee-Politician here in Illinois so I am NOT standing up for him but so much bullshit is passed about in chain-emails that I don't believe anything that isn't a video... even then, you need to make sure the clip isn't taken out of context...

    From everything I have ever read, researched, seen, or been told (Reliably) Obama is a devout Christian... Why else would there have been the Racist Reverend Controversy? You gotta be in church to hear the rantings of a Racist Reverend.

  11. He does make one wonder.

    His stance on infant murder is puzzling at best, insidious at worst.

  12. Liberals tend to have an antisupernaturalistic bias.  

  13. He's trying to pull up the U.S. from the hole the fundies have dug the last 8 years.

  14. He isnt, he is a christain.

    have you not figured that out yet? or is possible that you say that because you dont agree with his policys

  15. Probably because Muslims don't have the same beliefs as Christians.

  16. First, I doubt Obama is the anti-christ.

    But the way his followers worship him as if he was some kind of god, is very, very creepy!

  17. Why is anyone so "anti-Christian"? Different reasons arise. Some have been hurt by people who call themselves Christians. Some have been hurt by the church. Others just haven't given Jesus a real chance to work in their lives. And though He has in many peoples, they refuse to realize it. So, there are many reasons why people are anti-Christian. I pray that they will see the truth and love Jesus as He loves them. Unconditionally.

  18. Well...I think he wants to uphold the whole seperation of church and state

    christians can't always get what they want

  19. I Would love to see these videos, that way i will know what you are talking about, since there is no proof Obama  is anti christian, he has not said God is not real, and he believes Jesus die for our sins,  other then those with him praising  God , how is he anti-christian.  i have not seen Obama  try to hurt the word of God

  20. Because he is the antiChrist that the Bible speaks about in Revelations.  He will most likely get elected for the sole reason of being black. He backs only the causes that benefit him and s***w America. We should have had our first clue when he change the flag on his plane to a muslim symbol!!!  

  21. What does ones religious preferences have to do with their ability to govern a country as diverse as the US.

    Perhaps you should consider this, not ever one is a christian and being christian has nothing to do with ones ability to govern.

    Separation of church and state remember.

  22. Jesus said, "A tree is known by the fruit it bears."

    No need to post the link, just go to YouTube and search for "Obama Makes Fun Of The Bible"

    Senior Imprisoned - No, but impostor Christians who take on the moniker to drum up votes can.

  23. He is a 33rd degree Prince Hall freemason and he knows that since 80% of Americans are Christians he is trying to act like a believer even though his beliefs are contrary to the bible. Watch this video on his Christian hate speech.

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