
Christians: Why is the universe expanding?

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@ Mars:

Yea.... About that... I asked "God" the same question when I was 7. Now, I look at the evidence and guess what?




  1. I dunno. Why is the sky blue? Why do llamas spit?

  2. If it's expanding, that means, if reversed, that it started from zero, nothing. Not even a vacuum.

    Then, how can nothing explode to become the universe ?

  3. God, of course.  He created it to do that.  Whether through the big bang or some other phenomena, I cannot say.  But it happened.

    Honestly, i can see this as one of those "i'm not actually curious about getting an honest answer, just want to see how ignorant you all are compared to me" questions.

    Unless you ARE genuinely interested, which is rare.  And highly unlikely as you provide no description or explanation for your question whatsoever.

  4. ask God.. he created it

  5. God is getting fat.

  6. Because or brains are shrinking.

  7. Which is it? Human scientist first said it was shrinking, now it's expanding. It has something to do with 'Dark Matter' - that invisible, undetectable, nothing that composes the 'empty' of the universe. What makes you think Christians would know that when so-called 'scientist' don't?

    Tell you what, I'll do some more research, come up with some theory based on my immensely flawed and limited understanding of the true nature of the universe, and then ask God if I'm right. If I am, I'll let you know. (^_^)

  8. As physical matter, it has no choice but to follow the laws of thermodynamics

  9. I don't know, why?

  10. Christians ignore facts , you cannot ask them to be rationnal. They follow a fairy tell Bible , ask them why fairy fly in circle or where is Santa Claus

    Its in constant expension because of the force it produced when the big bang happend and someday the inverse processus will come into action

  11. Because of the Big Bang.

    Shouldn't this be in the science section?

  12. We don't know for sure that it is or isn't no more than we know if it has an infinite or finite size.  If the universe is infinite than how could it expand?  And if it was finite, then granted it could expand but from where and to where?  Science just like religion rises more questions than answers ;)  

  13. Say what?  Its infinite ............

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