
Christians and Catholics.....?

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Hi, i am planning on getting my little boy baptised as Christian, but the thing is our local school is a Catholic school, would they accept him there? I am neither (so i am not very informed on religion, i am still learning) and planning on getting baptised with my son, Thank you in advance for any input :)




  1. Read matthew mark luke and JOHN and the bok of acts .Then compare it to catholic practices.APPLES AND ORANGES.

  2. It is rare that a catholic school actually requires you to be catholic, especially since you said it is the local school.

  3. Yes. Catholics are Christians

  4. There are different forms of Christianity. For me, it would be important that the values and beliefs that the school teaches be along the same lines as the beliefs our family holds.

    I'm not sure what the criteria that particular Catholic school has, so I can't tell you if they will accept your son or not.

    Like another poster mentioned, some churches in the Catholic faith are very hard-core, fundamental, so just make sure that your family and the school are on the same page.

  5. It depends on the school. You might not want to send him thre if you're not Catholic. They do teach religion there. They won't look down on him, because as Catholics we are taught to accept everyone. He may just have trouble with his religious views if you try to get him to be one religion and he is being taught another one at school.

  6. you should just ask them. they might look down on him.

    i would say maybe there is another christian academy nearby?

    also, if you are not catholic then i wouldnt take my kid to a catholic school. they are very nice but very seti n their ways and look down on others who do not fully agree[ whether they admit it or not]

    my best friend is catholic and i never hear the end of it....because im baptist.

    also, if you want your kid to be more open minded then its not the best place to take him.

    its your decision but if youre concerned then just ask.

  7. Catholicism is a form of Christianity. I don't see why they wouldn't be accepted. Our local Catholic schools even accept agnostic's if they wish their children to attend the school. They are still required to attend the religious training during the day but they don't have to be of the faith to attend the school.

    EDIT: Macdcnace there are different forms of Catholicism as well. As with all religions; Some of the Catholic church's are very fanatical and close minded. Some are much more tolerant.

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