
Christians and Evolutionist, please help me out!?

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Okay, so I'm writing a paper for school about What Came First, the Chicken, or the Egg.

It's due tomorrow. Ha.

I'm making it so it's like a Christian's point of view and an Evoultionist's point of view.

So, tell me why you think either the chicken or the egg came first.





  1. fact:

    the egg came first


    fish, insects, amphibians, reptiles and monotremes all lay eggs, they all existed before birds evolved.

  2. I know many Christians who are "Evolutionists". Should I tell them they have to decide, like my pastor did before I became an Atheist?

    Just Google "Red Jungle Fowl" (no they AREN'T chickens), then try to find a way to make your argument sound fair.

  3. the egg came first. first there were animals somewhat like chickens and then gradually they became chickens over hundreds of thousands of years.  

  4. Considering chickens are domesticated red/green jungle fowl, and that species laid eggs long before even birds existed, that the egg came first.

    Even if you go within species, a chicken would have had to emerged from a chicken egg right?  It would have been a "not quite a chicken" that laid the egg, right?

  5. From a creationists point of view they would say the chicken, because it says in Genisis 1:25 God made the wild animals according to their kind, the livestock according to their kinds and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds.

    Hey don't give me a thumbs down.  She just asked the question from both points of view, what would they say.

  6. If you're talking about eggs in general, then fish, amphibians, and reptiles all lay eggs, and they all arrived earlier than birds. If you're talking about just chicken eggs, then it's still the egg, because the first bird that we would have called completely a chicken, hatched from an egg laid by a bird that was almost, but not quite a chicken. So either way, it's the egg, from a scientific viewpoint. Fundamentalists will tell you that it was the chicken, and say that god didn't create an egg, he created he him a chicken that lays eggs - but they're wrong, as usual.

  7. Shelled eggs evolved in reptiles millions of years before birds existed.

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