
Christians and atheists...?

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okay, say that there were two people who were running for president, one atheist, and one Christian.

Atheists, the christian one agrees with you one hundred percent, but the atheist has one differentiating opinion on something, say, an environmental policy.

Christians, the atheist agrees with you completely but the Christian has one differentiating opinion.

In your source put which one you are, (atheist/Christian)

and then say who you would vote for in your regular answer.

This should be somewhat interesting!

Ah, well, I'm bored anyway....




  1. I'm an atheist; I'd go for the Christian. The environment's too important to keep doofing around with.

    (Someone agreed with me one hundred percent? O.o Bizarre. Are you sure they're right? I'm not!)

  2. Honestly, impossible!  An American Atheist will never ever be able to make it to run for president.  So this question is void.


  3. I'd go for the one whose policies match what I think should happen.  Religion or lack thereof is irrelevant to what kind of job a president can do, or at least it should be.

  4. I'm not a single issue voter so I'd have to choose the person who overall would be the most effective, atheist or christian makes no difference.

  5. Sly Kitteh,

    I like the nice picture.  I always vote the issues rather then the person.  I generally read and study their stand on political issues and when I have the time I also research their voting record on issues that I am interested in.  I do not favor the war that we are in but once there, I do not believe in withdrawing our troops until we know that the job is completely finished and we will not have to return and clean up after another faction.  I would vote (in this case) for the Atheist.  I have been a Christian for over twenty years.  Have a great week.





  6. I would vote for the atheist because I vote on the issues.

  7. The atheist of course!

    I'm hoping he has a *top secret* policy that will come to light after his inaugeration. *rubs hands together* mwahahahaha!

    I'm Atheist!

  8. I´d go with the atheist.

    There i know positively, what can i count on and i know for SURE, there won´t be christian law legislated as ´´secular´´and all, what is involved with believers.


  9. if the christian has the best views that i agree with, then he/she would get my vote. voting based souly on the fact that he/she is an atheist is about as stupid of a reason to vote for some one as it would be for a person to vote based on skin color

  10. I'd go with the atheist.

    I can't imagine a Candidate having the balls to admit being an atheist.

    The whole dumb *** character thing, we are so fixated on.

    A lot of Presidents were a great deal less than spiritual. Jefferson went so far as to write his own version of his bible that cut out all the super-natural stuff. Of course, he never allowed it to be published while he was still alive.

    Kennedy didn't go to Mass the whole time he was President, supposedly A priest said mass in a private chapel..

    Reagan never went to Church, He liked to sleep in on Sunday mornings.. Both Reagan and Kennedy said it was security concerns that keep them out of Church..

    Easier than saying "I'm not interested" to the Fundies.

  11. The one different opinion would have to be a whopper. Otherwise, it would not be enough of a difference to sway me away from a Christian candidate. I can't imagine any political ideology that I hold that strong, especially if he is in agreement with all of my other political ideas. I mean, we never do get 100% out of life, do we?

  12. I would vote according to standards, not public labels. I'm a christian and I'd vote for the atheist.

  13. I would vote for the one who has the most ability to accept others and protect their rights as well as his belief systems . That means the one most opposed to a state religion . The issues and problems we are having today are being caused by those who want to establish a state religion . If they manage to do it you can bet the next free election will be a very long time coming and everyone will suffer horribly before we are rid of them .

  14. I am a Christian but I have to say it would matter as to what the issue is that we differ on. There are one or two issues I will not compromise on. If the atheist agreed with me completely he would be my choice.

  15. ugh...i suppose i would vote for the christian...when chossing a person to run the counrty, they would have to have my veiw points even if that means that they are christian....People will hate that president in a couple of months anyway

  16. I'm an atheist and would vote for the Christian.

    That would be an interesting Christian, because he/she would support removing the tax advantaged status of religious organizations.


  17. Honestly I do not base my judgements on their Faith, but how they use it with their Job for they are not supposed too.  They have a job to do and so long as they are doing it than I do not care what faith they are honestly so long as they have our Country's best interest at heart and are not what we have been used to in the Past.

    So Id vote for the one I agreed with no matter their faith honestly.

  18. An atheist cannot agree with what I believe, then they would be a Christian and not an atheist.  I will also vote for a true Christian believer.

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