
Christians and tattoos?

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im 14

i got my belly pierced when i was 13 and my mom said it was okay (she even took me there)

but when i asked in the future for a tattoo my mom said

'your a true christian i don't want you to get any permanent marks on your body'

is it true????

BTW:::;;; i took my belly ring out 2 months after becuase my dad found out and he said he doesn't want me to have a belly ring until im 16




  1. I believe in Christ and Father God...and I have 5 tattoos and 4 piercings.  God loves me for what's on the inside, that's all that matters..anyone else who says otherwise doesn't know God like I do.  I do not consider myself a Christian because I'm not a fan of organized religion.  If God didn't want me to have this body he wouldn't have given it to me, therefore it belongs to me, however, my soul and spirit belong to him.  My tattoos are symbols of who I am, and give me a way to express who I am to others.  Don't let anyone tell you that God is criticizing who you are on the outside because he isn't.  He only cares about what's on the inside.

    Oh and be thankful that your parents let you get piercings at such a young age.  I got piercings at the age of 18 and my parents flipped.  You're truly lucky to have such un-strict parents.

  2. There's two answers to this.Please read both.

    First,  there is nothing in the teachings of Christ or anywhere in the Bible that would prohibit a tattoo.  Obviously, there are some designs that would not be right to have--but I gather that's not the issue. Your mother may be uncomfortable with the idea because she grewup at a time when tattoos for women were not acceptable socially--but hse is incorrect in concluding that tattoos are unchristian.

    Second, regardless of this, you do have an obligation asa Christian to abide by your parent's wishes (even if you don't agree) until you are an adult--and that means you can make your case to persuade them to change their minds, but not whining or disobedience. If they tell you no--respecttheir wishes until you are an adult and free to make such decisions yourself.

  3. the people in the old testament marked themselves on there skin for a pagan worship of a false GOD. if you want a tatoo that doesn't dis honor the lord go for it.but if your spirit convicts you than don't do it.

  4. People interpret the bible in diff ways and some believe that its a sin to have body piercings and tattoos but even if it is a sin I have never seen a sin calculator  saying that one sin is worst than another and we sin everyday.... hope this helps out a little don't wanna get to involved in this bc religion is a very touchy matter!!!  

  5. your body is a temple, you're not suppose to do that as a christian. why would the bible say this? what harm could tattooing possibly bring to somebody?

  6. They say about 60% of people who get tattoos regret it later in life.

  7. are you asking if your mom actually said that?

  8. Passage 1 Corinthians 6:19:

    19Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own

  9. I was actually just reading a thread on this subject on another forum...

  10. Tattoos originated from the heathen tribes way before Christianity!!!

  11. i have 9 tatts and and 3 peircings, and a great relationship with God. God judges the heart and intentions. not the way we look. and plus the bible says the body is a temple that should not be destroyed or else you will face judgment. this is a reference to destroying the church (also referred to as "the body"). honestly, having tatts will not destroy the body, because it will still be in full function to serve the lord, and that's what we're here to do

  12. The verse in the Bible that deals with tattoos had to do with ceremonial or religious markings.  An Israelite who got a tattoo would be identifying with another god.  So unless you want a tattoo that says, Allahu akbar, you're fine.  You can love God and have a tattoo, and God will still love you back more than you could ever know.  

    The Bible also talks about honoring your father and mother.  It sounds like you have pretty conservative parents who'd like you to wait.  And a tattoo is a serious commitment.  It's like getting married.  So think about it for a few years, and if you still want one when you're 18 or out of the house, go for it.  

    You're humble enough to ask for advice.  That's something God is pleased with.  Keep it up, dear.  

  13. The Old Testament says not to have any tattoos

    Your parents are protecting you. Listen to them.

    When you are out on your own, then you can make your own decisions. A belly ring is for s*x appeal. It looks really cool but at your age, you may, depending what Tat you get on, will draw attention to yourself for the wrong reasons and the wrong people.

    You will have plenty of time to make those decisions. Be very careful young lady. I agree with your dad and your mom is just trying to be nice.  There are wolves out there. I don't encourage you to get a Tat even thought I have two. They are of religious symbology,and meaning. They will be on for the rest of my life, so when you do get one if you choose to, remeber that. Wait unto you are old enough to think better about it. Listen to your parents. they only want what is best for you. Don't attract the wrong people to you with body decorations. If you were to stand before God, would you be ok with a Tattoo of whatever. Ask yourself that. What I have, I am proud of because it honors Christ,,, not that verse in the Old Testament.

    Think long and hard before you act!

    Rev. TomCat  

  14. Well, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit-this is true. So, every part of our body should be used to give God glory and honor.

    Right now I think your parents should make that decision for you as parents. The thing is right now you may want a tatoo, but in years to come you may not. I was raised Christian, and I was also raised to believe that tatoos are wrong, but yet my parents had a few in hidden places. This still didn't make it right when I was 13 or even 16, to think that I should get one because they did. When you mature you can make that decision for yourself, but for right now your parents should-even if you don't agree with them. I often thought of getting a tatoo, but once I got out on my own (away from my parent's home) I decided not to. I never could make my mind up. I knew that I would get tired of looking at it and want to change it. So, at age 35 now, I still don't have one. Just remember this when you get older-It's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out. Basically, it's not about your clothes, accessories, things you have, belly rings, or even tattoos, but it's your heart because what is in your heart usually comes out of your mouth in words.  

  15. No piercing or no must ask yourshelf what would jesus do.

    God loves you.....God bless

  16. Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.

    Leviticus 19:28

    i am a newer Christian and i didnt know that until recently.....matter of fact i took my son to get cross tattoos on both arms for his 18th birthday last year.

    i guess its not considered a bad thing unless you know its wrong and still do it...or at least i hope thats how it works!

    God Bless you!

    with Love...."D"

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