
Christians: answer this!?

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If you, like Abraham, were demanded by God to give up a family member to show your love and trust to God; would you do it?

Would you kill for God?




  1. Abraham symbolized the sacrifice of God's Son. The ram had it's horns caught in a thicket, representing Christ's crown of thorns.  In case you didn't notice, God did provide a sacrifice, just as Abraham prophecied.

    Abraham did not kill for God, and why he did what he did is beyond most Christians' understanding, and impossible to understand if you are not one.  

  2. I would have to know it was actually God making the request.

    If so, Yes!

    Because I believe in the resurrection from the dead. - Hebrews 11:17-19.

    If I was unsure of the origin of the request, No!

    I have no idea how I could know for sure it was really God, but I am sure if it really was him he would somehow allow me to know beyond the shadow of a doubt.

    Not to worry, though, since in our time he communicates with us through the pages of the Bible rather than by word of mouth.

  3. If I were as righteous as Abraham was and had seen all that He had seen, there would be no doubt that the commandment had come from God.

    Don't dare to presume that it was easy for Abraham, I would think he and any other father would have suffered intensely at just imagining it.  (Maybe we can understand just a little better what our Heavenly Father went through as He watched perfect His Son, Jesus Christ, suffer for all mankind.)

    Abraham knew that he had been promised posterity "as the stars of the sky" and that God would some how make it possible if he was faithful to the commandment.  Thank heavens he was!  

  4. No

  5. Abraham by his faith was counted as a friend of the true God, and was declared righteous by God. How awesome that would be, just think, a imperfect man having that standing before the creator of all life.

    At Gen 3:15 the first recorded prophecy in the Bible tells us how the true God( Psalms 83:18) was going to handel the rebellion of satan in the garden of Eden. God knew that he was going to send His only begotten son (Col 1:14) to earth to die for all mankind (perfect Adam sinned-it would take a perfect man,Jesus Christ, to cancel out the sin of Adam).

    Abraham had faith that God would and could resurrect his son Isaac, just the way that God resurrected Jesus His Son when he was put to death on the  tourcher stake, although Abraham time was way before the time of Jesus. Abraham was spared from following threw with this act because it was his willingness to go threw with it that showed us God's willingness to send His Son (John 3:16) to die for us all. As the account shows, an angel stopped Abraham and a male ram was provided for sacrifice. We all should have that much faith, and strive to become a friend of God(James 4:8),(John 17:3)

  6. Considering this: Abraham was being tested by God and it is used as a view of how we should obey God. And since God wouldn't ask us to do that and have us follow through just as he didn't with Abraham I will say this. I will follow Gods laws and if he tells me to do something I will do it because I love him and I know he loves me. I also know God would not have me do anything that would cause me regret or hurt which that would.

  7. of course it would be hard but by the grace of god i will trust good enough to know that he knows wat he is doing the love of god to us is a great gift that we recived freely and all we do is sin so when god asks us to trust him i think we should i mean life is good but eternal life is better

  8. Remind me not to every be friends with a Christian.

    or Jewish person ArisStar lol

    I don't want to be friends with someone who would kill me without even knowing why themselves... or just wanting to kill me in general.

    I'm not going to kill you and I expect the same courtesy.

  9. Yes but i'd get their permission too.

  10. Abraham didn't have to kill for God, so why would I?

    Read the WHOLE story...The sacrifice was provided by God Himself as promised...

  11. God's own time is the very best of times.

    In him living, moving, we exist, as long as he wills.

    In him shall we die at the right time, when he wills.

    Could you....please take that bag off your head?

    Our God is an awesome God!

    God love you!

  12. The Lord will provide. Yes.  But I know I will not, I have other burden to bear.

  13. I'd give up that lame uncle who gives bad gifts! Just kidding. I agree if God talked to me than maybe. Hopefully a goat would come by or something and I coudl kill that instaed!

  14. Strange question, considering that you don't even believe God exists!

    If God had promised me that my son, the one he's asking me to sacrifice, would be the one by whom the line by which the Messiah would come (oh - wait- before I continue - sorry, that job's been filled, so He wouldn't ask this of me), but if I was Abraham, and He had demonstrated that He has the power of life by giving me a son when I was 100 years old and my wife was 99 years old, I think that would be sufficient evidence that He (God) could raise my son from the dead to fulfill the promise He had made.

    Let's not forget the rest of the story!  Or do you only prefer to twist things and take PART of the story totally out of context to demonstrate a false point?  What's the matter, don't you have anything that holds up to closer scrutiny?  Or is this really the best you can do?  It's WEAK at best!

  15. It takes a little bit of common sense,

    Didn't your parents sacrificed their whole life to see you grow up??

    Wouldn't u sacrifice your life for your wife if someone attacks her??

    Wouldn't you sacrifice your life for your children??

    Muslims (and maybe Christians) love their God more than everything,

    So YES!!!

    U see.

    This whole world and your life is based on sacrifices others gave for u and in future u will sacrifice for others,

    this is a human nature to sacrifice your life for others,

    We love God more than ourselves!!!

  16. *Mizz Zero is glad she's not related to some of these people...*

  17. no i wouldn't.

    FYI this story was in the old testament, you know BEFORE Jesus was born and all that jazz. Come on "Christans" read your bible! the pagans are catching up on knowing more about your religion than you do.

  18. maybe, if there really was a god that is

  19. Well Abraham thankful never actually had to kill his son...but honestly I dont know if I could do it. If God talked to me like he did to Abraham then yes because I would be comforted knowing that his voice was there...otherwise I would wonder if I was just going crazy.

  20. no..  only in self defense

  21. this was a test for abraham he was showing his obedience

    the bible says obedience is better than sacrifice.

  22. You're actually not understanding the text nor the motives of God. First God was not interested, nor did He plan, that Abraham should actually kill his son. The fact that the angel of the Lord prevented Abraham from killing Isaac (22:12) demonstrates this. God's purpose was to test Abraham's faith by asking him to completely surrender his only son to God. The angel of the Lord declared that it was Abraham's willingness to surrender his son, not the actual killing of him, that satisfied God's expectations for Abraham. God said explicitly, "Do not stretch out your hand against the lad....for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son from me".

      Finally, it is not morally wrong for God to order the sacrifice of our sons if he so desired to do so. He offered His own Son on Calvary. Indeed, even our own governments sometimes call upon us to sacrifice our sons for our country during times of war. Certainly God has an even greater right to do so.

  23. I don't think that God is going to be testing people like that. He's already done that once.  I will die to defend God and Jesus though.  

  24. If God talked to me directly and even came to visit me like Abraham? How could I not?

    The real point of the story was YHVH didn't expect his followers to sacrifice their children the way cults like those of Ba'al and Molech did, but He expected as much devotion as heathens. After all, Paul did say Issac and Ishmael "were an allegory" (Gal. 4:24).   It was also a prophecy of His own sacrifice of Jesus.

    100 million people killed for atheism (communism) in the 20th century. Atheists don't really have the moral high ground when it comes to talking about killing people.  

    <edit>"but what if you didn't know God was testing your loyalty? just like Abe."

    I'd still have to trust in Him, just like Abe. It worked for Abraham. Like I said, it was a message not to sacrifice your kids like Pagans do. That message still needs to be heard:

    <edit> I like your bag too.

  25. I can honestly say no. I can't lie to myself since God knows what I would do before I even say it. I hope that my faith will be that good someday though as my relationship with God grows.

  26. Why can't Jewish people answer this? It's in the Torah as well.

    God isn't something you can kill, it's a mindset, it's something to learn from, you'd be sacrificing yourself and your beliefs. I don't think having to betray someone you love is really showing anything about your character. Although I understand and respect the idea of God I just don't see why I need to prove myself by prioritizing people and things.

    by the way, I'm jewish, and I'm certain I answered this very well and to the full potential as would a christian :) K thnx Bye

  27. i wouldn't kill even an insect for such purpose.. no thanks

    btw, see how they answer ' God wouldn't ask that anymore blah blah'

    edit: ouch.. what's wrong with these people who answer 'yes ..' ???

  28. He is not going to ask any of us to do that.. however, I will defend Christ and God to my death. As to kill for God, its impossible to answer, because I know He will never ask me to do that. But I suppose in the strictest sense... Yes I would.

  29. That would be very hard for me, but its all a test of faith. Eventually I would give up a family member but its not just about giving them up; it has to come for your heart if you are really doing it for God. There's alot of understanding I'd have to go through before I did that; I know it would be hard and some people wouldn't understand and think i was just an evil killer, but then again life isnt about what others think of you, its between you and God. So yes, I would give someone up. It'd be hard but I'm pretty sure I'd come to some realizations if God really did ask me to do that for Him.

  30. People do things that voices tell them to do all the time. Would I? Let's hope not!

    The point is, it is literature and it is meant to have a moral relevant to the point in history in which it was written.

  31. Abraham believed that God would raise his son fromt he dead when their had been no proof of anyen having been raised from the dead before, because God had promiced abraham this was a promiced son so if abraham killed him, he knew Giod would raise him from th edead.

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