
Christians are killed in India, why?

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why is the government of India is silence on Christians massacre in Orissa?

200000 christian families were burnt

42 churches

3 convents

5 orphanages

7 pastoral centres

18 people including 1 nun were burnt

data as on 30.8.08 in a matter of 1 week so many have been targed




  1. Because religion promotes violence

  2. India's gvt is silent about a great many things.

    Did you know the gvt refused to help vaccinate their people from leprosy because they believed if you got it then you deserved it?  Like it was some divine punishment.  It was a team of outsiders that came in and for like less than a dollar a person has started the vaccination that will all but wipe out leprosy very soon.

    This is the kind of attitude you have to work with over there.

    India's gvt leaves much to be desired.

  3. 1. Muslims kidnapping and murdering Jewish athletes at the 1972 Olympics.

    2. The taking of the US Embassy in Iran in 1979.

    3. The US . Marine barracks in Beirut being blown up by Muslims in 1983.

    4. Muslims hi-jacking the Achille Lauro cruise ship and murdering a 70 year old wheelchair bound American in 1985.

    5. Muslims hijacking TWA flight 847 and murdering a US Navy diver in 1985.

    6. The bombing of Pan Am flight 103 by Muslims in 1988.

    7. The 1996 bombing of a US Air Force barracks in Saudi Arabia.

    8. Muslims bombing the World Trade Center in 1993.

    9. Muslims bombing the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

    10. The 2000 bombing of the battleship USS Cole in Yemen.

    11. Muslims hijacking and crashing airliners into the World Trade Center and Pentagon  on Sept 11, 2001.

    12. Muslims partying in the streets over the deaths of thousands of innocent victims of the 9/11 terrorists attacks upon the United States.

    13. The kidnapping, murder, decapitation, and dismemberment of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

    14. Muslim terrorists and suicide bombers killing hundreds of innocent civilians in Israel since the beginning of the Palestinian Intifada in September of 2000.

    15. The hundreds of churches that are destroyed and thousands of Christians who are killed each year by Muslims around the world.

    16. The fact that there are more revolutions, assassinations, and terrorism in Muslim countries then in all the rest of the world combined.

    17. The fact that one half of the worlds terrorists organizations are Muslim.

    18. The eight-year war between Iran and Iraq in which 1,000 tons of poison gas were used and deaths numbered more then in World War 1.

    19. The two million people killed in Sudan since the Muslims in the north declared Jihad against the Christians in the south.

    20. The 100,000 casualties of Algeria’s brutal civil war between Islamic guerrillas and government forces.

    21. Muslim mobs in 1991 killing 300 Christians in Nigeria over German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s preaching of the gospel in the city of Kano.

    22. Shanti Nagar, the only majority Christian town in Pakistan, being attacked by 30,000 Muslims over the discovery of a torn Koran in a nearby mosque.

    23. The fact that all but two of the worlds current conflicts involve Muslim governments and or communities.

    24. The fact that all but one of the worlds remaining military regimes are in Muslim countries.

    25. The fact that Muslim countries are the worlds largest arms purchasers.

    26. Iraq’s production of enough VX nerve gas to kill every human being on the face of the earth.

    27. The 80 revolutions in the Islamic world from 1948 to 1973, 30 of them successful , and 22 of them involving the murder of heads of state.

    28. Muslims assassinating Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981 over his signing a peace treaty with Isreal.

    29. Muslims murdering and mutilating 58 tourists in Egypt in 1997.

    30. The fact that two-thirds of the worlds political prisoners are held in Muslim countries, which carry out 80% of the worlds executions.

    31. How come if most all Muslims are not terrorists,  how come most all terrorists are Muslim ?

  4. In India, the caste system is very strong. There are people who are known as backward classes, high caste , low caste , dalit, untouchable etc. These people were ill treated and ignored for very long by the influential. Even today these caste systems exist.

    The violence in Orissa is taking place in a place called Kandhamal which is a tribal area and a backward area where all of the population are below the poverty line.

    Christian missionaries have preached the gospel in these areas and have converted a small percent of the population living there to Christianity. They have built orphanages, churches and small schools to uplift the living conditions over there.

    After seeing that peoples lives were changing in these communities who were always ignored and not allowed to grow by society, people have started to become jealous and did not want to see these poor people be uplifted in society.

    Hence in order to stop this, rumours of people being forced to convert to Christianity were spread all over, so that Christian missionaries would be targetted by the majority Hindu community and would flee the area.

    They started saying that people were given money and goods to convert to Christianity, whereas the truth is they converted on hearing the gospel message. No tribal has become a rich man by converting to Christianity. They are still poor, but believe in Jesus. The majority are still Hindus in that area.

    There are organisations such as the VHP RSS and Bajrang Dal that are spearheading these rumours of people being forced to convert to Christianity and are attacking them. One of the leaders of the VHP was gunned down few days back. It was by the Naxals and Maoists who are not part of the Christian community, but still in order to attack Christians, rumours were again spread that the VHP leader was gunned down by Christians. They have targetted all Christian homes, churches, orphanages and schools in that area and burned them down and have burned people from the Christian community alive.

    To all my Hindu brothers and sisters who are reading this , I have this to say...

    Visit ISKCON,Sai Baba ashram,Mata Amritananda ashram,Ravi Shankar ashram and various famous Hindu priests places, you would find so many foreigners and Indians who were Christians and have converted to Hinduism.They have liked the people and the message being taught over there and converted to Hinduism. Similarly if a Hindu likes the Christian message he is free to convert.....If we want , then even we can say that forced conversion of Christians is taking place in the various ashrams in India, but I dont want to make this an issue. This is their personal choice.I do not believe in spreading hatred since Jesus taught to live in peace with everyone and to forgive ones enemies and have love for GOD.....

    Hindus are actually peace loving people. My best friends are Hindus and we live happily as neighbours. The problem is with the extremist parties.

    No one knows who killed the Swami Laxmanand. But who has given the right to kill innocent people. Catch the culprit and hang him. Why kill innocent people.

    When missionary Graham Staines and his sons were burned alive in 1999 by Hindus in Orissa , were any Hindus killed in retaliation. Not a single Hindu was attacked. Only protests were held and the culprit was caught. This is how it should be.

    People have pasted links to various websites, to prove their points. To counter that even I can mention that in any popular search engine website you type "attacks on Christians in India" and you will get hundreds of websites showing attacks on Christian institutions and murders of Christians.

    Get proof and punish the guilty person. Spreading hatred and killing innocent people is not the solution.

  5. This is the furious anger of the devil; satanic attack.  We are living in the last days and there is severe persecution of Christians all over the world except in the free countries but Christians are being targeted a great deal even in the free countries.

    The Bible says his fury would get worse in the last days.  (See Rev. 12:17).  It is the Maoists in India who attacked the Christians this time.  We call them Communists in the U.S.  Usually it's the Hindus who do the attacking but even the Muslims attack there.  They form mobs.  The police do  not have control over there like they do in the U.S.  Although the constitution is written well for freedom of religion and the well-being of everyone, the law is not enforced.  

    This is also the country where the worst s*x-slave atrocities have been going on and this is also forbidden in the constitution but not enforced.  Whether it's a lack of money on the government's part along with bad roads or just everything getting out of hand because of so many demons there (which the Hindu religion encourages), who can say?  Their problems are severe.

  6. because of hate read here to find out more...

    Gospel of Asia

  7. Competing religions feel threatened when they lose their members.

  8. Persecution of christians is all throughout the bible.  

  9. Because some individuals are antagonistic toward Christianity.  Jesus said that we would be hated because we have a relationship with Him.

  10. Why not?

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