
Christians...are we confusing the youth?

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bear with me on this...because I am coming from personal experience...

I heard about miracles and the power of Gods spirit all of my, it was odd when I did NOT "feel" what others felt...or experience things the way they had been described to me......It seemed I could not "live up to" the standard of spirituality that I had explained to me....

then, the doubts begin...perhaps you are not loved by God, perhaps there is no God....

Are devout christians not expressing things properly and leaving the youth to believe that they can not achieve this "dreamy" life they hear talked about?

Is it possible that you are causing the youth to fall away to not expressing things in a way that they can understand?




  1. I think so. To put anyone on about "do this and life will be all peachy" is insulting, disgusting, and misguided. Christians and non-christians alike are gonna have problems in life. And everyone is going to doubt themselves at some point. You can't tell someone that life is gonna be easy if you just do this one thing, because it ain't, and when something happens, then they may start to believe, "maybe I wasn't believing ENOUGH" or "maybe I didn't pray hard enough for everything to be just fine and dandy" or some other c**p along the line. The fact is, people have problems. If you tell them "everything works out to be perfect" and it inevitably doesn't, then people start to doubt themselves.

    I know from personal experience that I began to believe the kind of c**p, like maybe everything around me that went wrong stemmed from my personal failings in life (grew up christian for 18 years, and don't know what I am now). Like maybe all the problems came from me not being close enough. I wanted the promise of perfection, and it never came.

    I know that many Christians at this point would say "life's not supposed to be perfect once you accept Jesus," and I get that fact, especially now, but being that this "promise" was first told to me when I was three, and at that time, I was still trying to figure out how to keep from peeing while I slept every night, it doesn't really matter that the actual wording was something along the lines of "do this and you'll have a support system and a bunch of people to help make things better," because all I heard then was " do this and things will be better."

    It gets muddied, and that means it gets confusing. Being that the time when you're still growing up are already confusing, they could at least TRY to be clearer. But many miss the fact that, when you're young, it's hard enough to try to live your life in a shell that's always changing and that you aren't always able to keep you're own thoughts in order, let alone the wants, desires, and promises made by an omniscient being you've never met who even the so-called "experts" can't keep track of.

    There's no such thing as an easy life, christian or otherwise.

  2. Don't worry about signs and wonders it's a worldly thing , keep your eyes Only on Jesus .Stay in his word. Romans 10:17 " So then faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the Word of God "

  3. The answer to your question is both yes and no. When you say devout christians you are talking about a broad spectrum of believers and religious denominations. All religions are different. As far as a dreamy life, if you look in the bible you will see that  life as a christian here on this earth has always been all but dreamy. Truth of the matter is that the lifestyle of a Christian is tough because it requires obedience. All Christians are human and there are times when even the most devout fall short of pleasing God. The thing we must all remember, however, is that when we fall, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and do our very best to live our lives according to God's word. In order to live our lives according to God's word, we must first make a greater effort to read and study the bible for ourselves. Peace and God bless.

  4. Yes that is completely possible, and most likely probable. Many Christians would have you believe that the walk is a mountaintop experience from beginning to end, and it is not. Televangelist try to convince us that God wants us to be healthy, wealthy, and trouble free without having any basis in scripture. Yes false Christians give the non believers all the ammo they need to use against the true believers. According to studies, only about 12% of the people who claim to be Christians are actually born again believers. Scary isn't it?

  5. When people keep referencing Paul and not Jesus like the first poster, no wonder the kids lose interest.

  6. Well, understand it or not, it is a simple concept, so maybe the people just give it too much detail...  Here it is easy:  Accept God/Jesus into your heart and live for him and ask for forgivness when you do sin, or go straight to h**l, no questions asked.

    Now... would you rather be in paradise, on a beach with gentle breeze and a nice sunshine, or reeling in pain burning in fire?

    Its their choice, and they need to make it

    And that 'doubt' is more than likely Satan trying to pull you back under so that he can have another resident in h**l with him.

    Think about it

  7. absolutely   lets just se common sense here for a minute if a grade school teacher teaches children do you think she teaches them at a college level no absolutely not when you try to explain something to some one do not treat a child (by this i mean a new Christian) as one whom has been a Christian for 10 years allow them to ask and answer in simple terms do not try to teach a first year christian about the role of the elect at end times they can not grasp it teach them rather things like treating your neighbor as you would like to be treated and the reason Christ came and died nd the 10 commandments as they grow in Christianity teach them more they will eventually ask more complex questions deserving more complex answers that is when you will know they are ready for more mature subjects

  8. To be honest I think the youth just saw through the claims of religion.  There is no need for religion or God anymore, and Christians continually show themselves to be on the wrong side of morality.

    It's simply inevitable that people will find a better way.

  9. Man's words or actions can not bring you salvation in the first place. Everyone who believes in Christ should set their focus only on Christ and what He has done to secure our salvation. Do not place your trust in other people because we are all sinful and quiet often get things wrong. Lean on Christ, read the Bible!

  10. Of course you are. ( maybe not you personally )

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