
Christians are you ready for solid food: Now God's Love is Omnipotent and Omnipresent. In which case, in a?

by Guest56789  |  earlier

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universe of love there can be no heaven which tolerates a chamber of horrors.' Because love conquers all.

Why then does God allow one to exist; Revelation; 20: 7.10. and 14.15. When Omnipotent Love functions as a central core in Christian universalism?

Help me to understand this.





  2. our words can not touch the depth of his knowledge, love, wisdom,..... further our definition's or understandings will never define his attributes or fully understand his qualities.

    Edit:  Is it possible that when symbolism is used by man 2000 years ago that we may see it differently if this or any vision for that matter were giving to you today?  Your point is solid.  Love and torture can not co exist.  Existence and non-existence however can.

    Christ said that his followers would follow him in spirit and truth.  It is of note that he did not say accurate dogma, or written word.

  3. heaven is Not where satan is going!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. God is not love all the time for everyone under all circumstances.  God can be pushed to judgement too.

  5. I agree with fireball.

  6. Such a place is of Satan's character, not our Lord's.

  7. God is love, and He is also just.  He will justify completely the one that believes the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    He will send the one who dies in unbelief, to eternal h**l.  h**l is eternal torment.  

    Nobody has to be sent to h**l.  The only way to avoid being sent to h**l, is by believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  8. This is actually a proof against the existence of a just God.  If you think about it, in an ultimately just world there can be no "infinite punishment for finite crime."  Therefore, if h**l exists, God is not just.  If God exists, there can be no h**l.  Therefore the Christian god is absurd.

  9. Eternal torment and justice have nothing to do with one another!

    God is love, and 1st John 4:18, says, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear:  because fear hath torment.  He that feareth is not made perfect in love".  To my mind, this says with God there is not fear or torment.  God is perfect love.  Fear and torment isn't the Gospel's good news either.

    Matthew 13:34, "All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and WITHOUT A PARABLE SPAKE HE NOT UNTO THEM:"

    Luke 16's account of the "Rich man and Lazarus" is a parable spoken to the Pharisees, Luke 16 v 14. How could dipping the TIP of a finger in water cool a tongue in torment? IT'S A PARABLE. Jesus was telling those self righteous Pharisees that they were going to be cut-off from the protecting favor of God, and the Gentiles would be given favor instead. The word Holocaust means a great devastation, esp. by FIRE. That's what happens when God's protection is taken from you.

    The Jews don't believe in eternal torment. Our God is the same God, and He doesn't change. Malachi 3:2-3, explains that God's fire is as a refining fire which purifies.

    God teaches us to love our enemy & do good to them. Why would God tell His children to do this, and then do something else entirely? He also says, with the SAME measure that you give, whether good or bad, it will be measured to you again. So would eternal firey torment be the "same measure"? What man has tormented anyone for eternity?

    The entire book of Revelation is based upon analogy. In the very first chptr we see that "The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks ...are the seven churches". Look at verse 16, "...and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength". A twoedged sword goes out of his mouth. Now, I ask, is this literal? How about chptr 4 vs 6-9's "beasts full of eyes before and behind"? So, is the lake of fire, and etc. literal?  

  10. Can God go somewhere "he's" never been? When you posit qualities for an entity, they need to be compatible. The "omni" powers of this so called deity contradict one another, so they falsify the claim that such a being exists.

  11. The error in your question stems from the reliance on the book of Revelations.  I don't believe in that book because it's author, John, comes from a disturbing view point.  Historically, John has been noted as having a passionate hate for Emperor Nero (666 is Hebrew code the the name Nero).  Also his peers reported that John was becoming mentally ill and claim to have disturbing visions before he wrote Revelations.  A lot of the content in the book of Revelations seem like what a "mad" person would depict.  Additionally, with an understanding of the astral realms and entities, it is understandable that John may have projected to a lower level of the astral plane, and reported what he saw as 'impending doom.'  Now we can see how the Revelations has nothing to do with the Love of God.  I don't feel that words written by a hateful person (no matter what the object of hate is) are a part of mankind's salvation.

    Existence itself is the expression of the Love of God.  I am not Christian in the sense of a church member or a theologian.  But I believe in following the teachings of Christ and those that confirmed them.  Jesus, I feel, is a manifestation of the Love of God, intended to be shared with all of mankind.  Not only do I believe that this is Christ's purpose but an option we all can choose if we are able to realize it.  Faith, devotion, and prayer supplements service to God. In return, it seems we experience His Love to the degree we are faithful to him, which is the expression of the human condition.

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