
Christians are you ready for solid food? When one looks at the Epistles of the Apostles?

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it is abundantly clear these letters deal with historical; practical; political; religious and social questions and issues.

In a modern world with such diverse societies should one still continue to adhere to the messages within these letters and why?




  1. Because the human condition never changes and neither does the truth

    The issues being discussed are relevent for today

  2. Ignoring the Holy aspects of the Bible, the question is, in our modern world, should learned and intelligent people bother to read the ancient philosophers like Plato and Aristotle or the ancient writings of Ovid, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides?

    Or even more modern philosophers like Locke and Hobbs?

    Or should all of our knowledge of religion, government and entertainment be based on the ideas of Limbaugh, Osteen, Warren and Spears?

  3. The Epistles of the Apostles? The Chalice with the Malice has the Brew which is True?

    Anyway the whole biblical thing is rubbish even if it were not anachronistic!

  4. I am always amazed at the arrogance that some christians show towards even their fellow believers.  No wonder these people are so angry all the time.  

  5. to learn from past mistake. to develope a believe, as we read in hind-site...and because GOD suffered for it to survive the test of time (4 the most part) for a definate reason.

  6. Because they deal with Truths, capital T. Truth never changes, even over the course of two thousand years.

  7. I think one should continue to look for the eternal truths in the messages in these letters...the messages that shines through the historical/political/religious/social questions from that time and provide practical advice for the problems we face today.  

    Personally, I believe that history really does repeat itself...that the problems we face today are the same problems people faced throughout history...the stage has changed, but the play remains the same. The letters to the early churches shed light on these struggles and allow us to identify them even when we see them wearing the costumes of the present.      

    Problem is, some people can't see past the costumes to identify the common themes...and with that perspective, they either suggest that the messages aren't relevant to this performance OR they try to make the present actors wear the costumes of the past (and dismiss or threaten those that refuse)!  

    Interesting question if a tad arrogantly phrased...the answer is straightforward...yes, we should continue to seek and adhere to the truth in these letters...why...because the truth is there if we can see past the irrelevant social/religious/historical/political context to the true theme of the message.

  8. Ecc 1:9  What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

    Yes, the principles still apply.  The culture is different, but we are not as enlightened as our pride wants us to think we are.

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