Question: you fear psychologists?don't you feel like pupils when they''examinate'' us as if ..

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as if they are God?

they all the time make research over people as if they are God..we are their creation..

they are not superior to us..on the contrary..

a man who wants to be superior to the other ..actually is inferor to him..because God made us equal..even when some of us loose their mind..

the only superior person to the one like Blessed Virgin..who doesn't sleep around..and considers the poor his/her equal.




  1. Faith is just that faith.

    If you believe then no explanation is necessary. Not from a psychologist, not from a politician, not from your preacher...

    If you don't believe then no amount of explaining will suffice...

  2. I just assisted my GF complete her PhD in Psych recently.

    If she wasn't out of town right now, I am sure she would have something compassionate to offer the kind of person who would write such a cry for help.

    It is her job to do that kind of thing every day.

  3. Why would I fear someone like that?  If they're inferior, you have very little to fear.  

    I haven't much respect for their discipline, as there rarely seems to be published statistics on what percentage of their clients feel cured, and considering that academic psychologists, the ones publishing all the primary research that other psychologists use, are notoriously bad judges of honesty.  (See O'Sullivan, 1999, Psychological science)

    I don't think counseling and such are useless in themselves, but I think a well-trained psychiatrist is preferable any day.  Some people need more than just 'talking' to get through their problems.

  4. fear psychologists? Ah, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha Ha, HA!?!?$$$

  5. Separation of church and state.  Religion has no place in politics and government.

  6. actually psychological research is a strong indicator of weakness' and probable future tendencies...

    some psychologists are far more evolved than the average person and can guide a person through some troublesome problems,

  7. No, I don't fear psychologists, I applaud their work. However, I do fear someone who has grammar as bad as yours. Where did you learn English?

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